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Created December 20, 2012 19:24
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module Alloc where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
given a stream of [[Int]] each sublist representing a day, each place representing people
each number representing the number of days they want to stay
We would like to get a list of rooms to check in on the day and rooms to check out on the day
and maximum number of occupied rooms.
data Allocs = Allocs { checkouts :: [Int]
, checkins :: [Int]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Rooms = Rooms { occupied :: [(Int, Int)] -- room no, remaining days
, free :: [Int] -- room no
deriving (Eq, Show)
total :: Rooms -> Int
total rooms = (length . occupied) rooms + (length . free) rooms
alloc :: [[Int]] -> (Int, [Allocs])
alloc = first (length . free) . mapAccumL dailyActivity (Rooms [] [])
dailyActivity :: Rooms -> [Int] -> (Rooms, Allocs)
dailyActivity rooms arrivals = (rooms', Allocs checkedOutRooms (map fst ins))
rooms' = Rooms (roomsOccupiedAfterCheckOuts ++ ins) roomsFreeAfterCheckIns
decrementedOccupied = map (\(n, d) -> (n, d-1)) $ occupied rooms
checkedOutRooms = (map fst . filter lastDay) decrementedOccupied
roomsFreeAfterCheckOuts = free rooms ++ checkedOutRooms
ins = zip (roomsFreeAfterCheckOuts ++ [total rooms..]) arrivals
roomsOccupiedAfterCheckOuts = filter (not . lastDay) decrementedOccupied
roomsFreeAfterCheckIns = drop (length arrivals) roomsFreeAfterCheckOuts
lastDay :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
lastDay room = snd room == 0
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