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Created August 21, 2020 06:43
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// MongoDB Playground
// To disable this template go to Settings | MongoDB | Use Default Template For Playground.
// Make sure you are connected to enable completions and to be able to run a playground.
// Use Ctrl+Space inside a snippet or a string literal to trigger completions.
// Select the database to use.
// The drop() command destroys all data from a collection.
// Make sure you run it against proper database and collection.
// Insert a few documents into the sales collection.
{ '_id' : 1, 'item' : 'abc', 'price' : 10, 'quantity' : 2, 'date' : new Date('2014-03-01T08:00:00Z') },
{ '_id' : 2, 'item' : 'jkl', 'price' : 20, 'quantity' : 1, 'date' : new Date('2014-03-01T09:00:00Z') },
{ '_id' : 3, 'item' : 'xyz', 'price' : 5, 'quantity' : 10, 'date' : new Date('2014-03-15T09:00:00Z') },
{ '_id' : 4, 'item' : 'xyz', 'price' : 5, 'quantity' : 20, 'date' : new Date('2014-04-04T11:21:39.736Z') },
{ '_id' : 5, 'item' : 'abc', 'price' : 10, 'quantity' : 10, 'date' : new Date('2014-04-04T21:23:13.331Z') },
{ '_id' : 6, 'item' : 'def', 'price' : 7.5, 'quantity': 5, 'date' : new Date('2015-06-04T05:08:13Z') },
{ '_id' : 7, 'item' : 'def', 'price' : 7.5, 'quantity': 10, 'date' : new Date('2015-09-10T08:43:00Z') },
{ '_id' : 8, 'item' : 'abc', 'price' : 10, 'quantity' : 5, 'date' : new Date('2016-02-06T20:20:13Z') },
// Run a find command to view items sold on April 4th, 2014.
const sales20140404 = db.sales.find({ date: { $gte: new Date('2014-04-04'), $lt: new Date('2014-04-05') } }).toArray();
// Run an aggregation to view total sales for each product in 2014.
const aggregation = [
{ $match: { date: { $gte: new Date('2014-01-01'), $lt: new Date('2015-01-01') } } },
{ $group: { _id : '$item', totalSaleAmount: { $sum: { $multiply: [ '$price', '$quantity' ] } } } }
const totalSales2014 = db.sales.aggregate(aggregation).toArray();
Products sold on April 4th 2014:
${{item}) => item)}
Total sales 2014
${ => `${d._id}: ${d.totalSaleAmount}`).join('\n')}
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