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Last active March 2, 2016 21:03
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The lastAction object keeps a list of promises that perform stateless actions that need to be executed in order on the server.
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The LastAction object accepts actions (functions that return promises) only executing the last
* action available and dropping the rest. The object also waits for a executed action to complete before
* executing the next one.
* Note: This is a only client side solution to ordering actions, more network efficient solutions
* can be achieved with server collaboration, sequence numbers, acks...
* @param {Function} onComplete Executes when an action completes successfully and no action is
* waiting to be executed
* @param {Function} onError Executes when an action fails and no action is
* waiting to be executed
* @param {Int} retries Number of retries for each action before failing, default: 0
* @return {LastAction} LastAction instance
$.LastAction = function(onComplete, onError, retries) {
return new LastActionCons(onComplete, onError, retries);
var LastActionCons = function(onComplete, onError, retries) {
this.onError = onError || $.noop;
this.onComplete = onComplete || $.noop;
this.retries = retries || 0;
this._deferred = null;
this.lastAction = null;
* Function for DRY, takes an action response and cleans it's deferred
* or resolved the next one if exists
* @param {LastAction} self Instance
* @param {mixed} response Action response
* @param {Deferred} dfr Action deferred
* @param {Function} callback To call if last Action
* @return {mixed} Chain response
var resolver = function(self, response, dfr, callback) {
if (dfr === self._deferred) {
self._deferred = null;
self._lastResponse = response;
} else {
return response;
* Function for DRY. Executes an action and calls resolver in case of success or error
* @param {LastAction} self Instance
* @param {Function} action action to execute
* @param {Deferred} dfr Pass along to the resolver
* @return {promise} Filtered after resolver action promise
var actionExecuter = function(self, action, dfr) {
return action().then(function(response) {
return resolver(self, response, dfr, self.onComplete);
}, function(response) {
return resolver(self, response, dfr, self.onError);
* Recursively handles actions retries, dropping retries if a newer action
* is available
* @param {LastAction} self Instance
* @param {Function} action Action to execute
* @param {Int} retries Number of times to retry the action
* @param {Deferred} dfr Resolved when retries are done
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves on success or is rejected when out of retries
var retrier = function(self, action, retries, dfr){
push(self, action).then(function(response){
}, function(response) {
if (self._deferred === null && retries > 0) {
retrier(self, action, retries - 1, dfr);
} else {
* Checks if there is an action to wait for and sets self._deferred so when the action
* is over this can be triggered. Or executes the action immediately.
* @param {LastAction} self instance
* @param {Function} action Action to execute
* @return {Promise} Resolves when the actions finishes (if it does)
var push = function(self, action) {
self.lastAction = action;
var dfr = $.Deferred();
if (self._deferred) {
self._deferred = dfr;
return self._deferred.then(function(response) {
return actionExecuter(self, action.bind(null, response), dfr);
} else {
self._deferred = dfr;
return actionExecuter(self, action.bind(null, self._lastResponse), dfr);
LastActionCons.prototype = {
* Adds an action to be executed if no other action is added before the last one finishes
* @param {Function} action Function that returns an action, receives a parameter from the lastPromise
* action executed or null
* @param {Int} retries Number of retries for this action (overrides the default on the constructor)
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves if the action is actually executed and resolves.
push: function(action, retries) {
retries = retries === undefined ? this.retries : retries;
var dfr = $.Deferred();
retrier(this, action, retries, dfr);
return dfr.promise();
* Last action that was added to this instance of LastAction or null if no action has been added
* @return {Function} action
lastAction: function() {
return this.lastAction;
* Unit tests QUnit 1.17
(function() {
"use strict";
QUnit.test("lastPromise thenable", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction();
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(true, 'action chained');
return $.Deferred();
QUnit.test("Rejected actions don't stop next action", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction();
var firstAction = actions.push(function() {
return $.Deferred().reject();
firstAction.then(function() {
assert.ok(false, 'This action should have call the failure callback');
return $.Deferred();
}, function() {
assert.ok(true, 'failure handle executed');
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(true, 'chained action gets executed');
return $.Deferred();
QUnit.test("Drop one request", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction();
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(false, 'This action should have been dropped');
return $.Deferred();
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(true, 'last action gets executed');
return $.Deferred();
QUnit.test("With retry", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction();
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(true, 'This action should be executed 3 times');
return resolution;
}, 2).then(null, done);
QUnit.test("With retry on definition", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(null, null, 1);
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
assert.ok(true, 'This action should be executed 2 times');
return resolution;
}).then(null, done);
QUnit.test("On error", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(null, function(){
assert.ok(true, 'On error callback');
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
}).then(null, done);
QUnit.test("On complete", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(function(){
assert.ok(true, 'On complete callback');
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
QUnit.test("Chained messages on success", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(function(){
assert.ok(true, 'On complete callback');
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
QUnit.test("Chained messages responses", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(function(response){
assert.strictEqual(response, 'ok2', 'Message ok2 gets through');
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
actions.push(function(response) {
assert.strictEqual(response, 'ok', 'Message ok gets through');
return $.Deferred().reject('fail').promise();
actions.push(function(response) {
assert.strictEqual(response, 'fail', 'Message fail gets through');
return $.Deferred().resolve('ok2').promise();
QUnit.test("Chained messages responses 2", function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
var actions = $.LastAction(null, function(response){
assert.strictEqual(response, 'fail2', 'Message gets through');
var resolution = $.Deferred()
actions.push(function() {
return resolution;
actions.push(function(response) {
assert.strictEqual(response, 'fail', 'Message ok gets through');
return $.Deferred().reject('fail2').promise();
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