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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Promises sequence jquery plugin, with tests and example.
(function ($) {
"use strict";
* Abstracts a sequence of a asynchronous actions, the order of execution of the
* different actions is enforced using deferred objects.
* The successful completion of an action will trigger the start of the next one.
* If an action fails the following actions will fail too until an action with
* fallback is found in the queue (the fallback action will be called then).
* Actions consist of a function that receives a Deferred object as its first
* parameter and the result of the previous action as the following parameters.
* Actions are pushed using the available methods or using an array when
* the sequence is created.
* For every push feature there is an object syntax using properties and a
* method and parameters syntax. Additional features include pushing promises,
* setting timeouts for the sequence to reach a point and executing actions
* when the queue is empty.
* @param {array[Object|function]} actions An array with the inital actions to
* execute in the secuence using
* object syntax:
* Function: action to execute. The sequence will continue when it resolves
* its Deferred object.
* {action, fallback}: action and fallback in case of failure of the
* previous action.
* {promise}: promise that will stop the secuence untils it's completed
* {synchronous}: action executed synchronously without the need to resolve
* the deferred object.
* {timeout, duration}: action to execute if the Sequence has not
* reached that point after duration.
* {whenEmpty, fallback}: action to execute when the sequence has no
* pending actionsto execute.
$.Sequence = function (actions) {
return new SequenceCons(actions);
* [private] Transforms an arguments 'array' into a proper array without the first element
* @param {arguments|array} argsObj arguments object or array
* @return {array} result array
var shiftArgs = function (argsObj) {
var args =;
return args;
* [private] Transforms an arguments 'array' into a proper array with a new first element
* @param {arguments|array} argsObj arguments object or array
* @param {Any} parameter new element of the array
* @return {[type]} result array
var unshiftArgs = function (argsObj, parameter) {
var args =;
return args;
* Constructor for the sequence
* @param {actions} actions @see $.Sequence(actions)
* @throws {Error} if actions is not an array or pushObject throws for one of the
* actions
var SequenceCons = function (actions) {
var self = this;
var firstDeferred = $.Deferred().resolve();
this.lastPromise = firstDeferred.promise();
if ($.isArray(actions)) {
$.each(actions, function (i, action) {
} else if (actions !== undefined) {
throw new Error('actions (if passed) must be an array');
* Adds an action with object syntax @see $.Sequence(actions)
* @param {Object} obj action or feature to add to the sequence
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.pushObject = function (obj) {
if ($.isFunction(obj)) {
} else if (obj.action) {
this.push(obj.action, obj.fallback);
} else if (obj.timeout) {
this.setTimeout(obj.timeout, obj.duration);
} else if (obj.whenEmpty) {
this.whenEmpty(obj.whenEmpty, obj.fallback);
} else if (obj.promise) {
} else if (obj.synchronous) {
this.pushSynchronous(obj.synchronous, obj.fallback);
} else {
var err = new Error('action not recognized ' + obj);
err.action = obj;
throw err;
return this;
* [private] Pipes the resolveWith and rejectWith of two promises so when the origin
* is completed the target completes too. Checks if origin is a promise
* @param {Promise} origin promise to attach the callbacks to pipe the completion
* @param {Deferred} target deferred linked to the origin promise
var pipeResolve = function (origin, target) {
if (origin && $.isFunction(origin.then)) {
origin.then(function () {
target.resolveWith(this, arguments);
}, function () {
target.rejectWith(this, arguments);
* Main method to add actions to the sequence pushes actions at the end of
* the sequence that will be executed when all the previous ones are resolved.
* The fallback method is called if the previous action failed.
* @param {Function} action Action to execute
* (action(deferred, [args,]) : result)
* deferred: Deferred object that will trigger the next action if
* completed succesfully or call the next fallback if rejected. The
* arguments passed when resolved will be passed to the next action or
* fallback.
* args: optional arguments sent by the previous action.
* result: optional Deferred that will resolve the action instead of the
* parameter deferred
* @param {Function} fallback Action to execute if the last action failed
* (fallback(deferred, [args,]) : result)
* deferred: Deferred object that will trigger the next action if
* completed succesfully or call the next fallback if rejected. The
* arguments passed when resolved will be passed to the next action or
* fallback.
* args: optional arguments sent by the previous action.
* result: optional Deferred that will resolve the action instead of the
* parameter deferred
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.push = function (action, fallback) {
var nextDeferred = $.Deferred();
var oldPromise = this.lastPromise;
this.lastPromise = nextDeferred.promise();
oldPromise.done(function () {
var result = action.apply(this, unshiftArgs(arguments, nextDeferred));
pipeResolve(result, nextDeferred);
if (fallback) { () {
var result = fallback.apply(this, unshiftArgs(arguments, nextDeferred));
pipeResolve(result, nextDeferred);
} else { () {
nextDeferred.rejectWith(this, arguments);
return this;
* Pushes a promise into the sequence, the sequence cannot control
* the start of the action but guarantees that the next action will not
* be executed until all the previous ones and the promise completes
* @param {Promise} promise Promise to introduce in the sequence
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.pushPromise = function (promise) {
var oldPromise = this.lastPromise;
this.push(function (deferred) {
oldPromise.then(function () {
promise.then(function () {
deferred.resolveWith(this, arguments);
}, function () {
deferred.rejectWith(this, arguments);
}, function () {
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
promise.always(function () {
deferred.rejectWith(self, args);
return this;
* Adds an action and a fallback to be executed synchronously.
* The function don't receive a deferred object and they will execute
* when the previous action completes and the next action will be triggered
* as soon as the function exits.
* Synchronous actions cannot stop the execution of the next action.
* @param {Function} action Action to execute if the previous one completes
* successfully.
* (action([args,]) : result)
* args: optional arguments sent by the previous action.
* result: optional return value sent to the next action
* @param {Function} fallback Action to execute if the previous one fails.
* (fallback([args,]) : result)
* args: optional arguments sent by the previous actions.
* result: optional return value sent to the next action
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.pushSynchronous = function (action, fallback) {
this.push(function (deferred) {
var result = action.apply(this, shiftArgs(arguments));
deferred.resolveWith(this, result);
return this;
* Sets a timeout at the current position in the sequence if the timeout
* expires before the previous action completes the handler will be fired
* as if it were a regular action. If the previous action completes before
* the timeout expires the next action will be executed and the timeout
* handler will never be called.
* @param {Function} handler Action to execute if the timeout expires
* (handler(deferred) : result)
* @see Sequence.push() action parameter
* @param {Int} duration Milliseconds to wait before triggering
* the timeout handler
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.setTimeout = function (handler, duration) {
var timeoutDfr = $.Deferred();
var timeoutFired = false;
var id = window.setTimeout(function () {
timeoutFired = true;
var result = handler(timeoutDfr);
pipeResolve(result, timeoutDfr);
}, duration);
var oldPromise = this.lastPromise;
this.lastPromise = timeoutDfr.promise();
var pipeDfr = function (method) {
return function () {
if (!timeoutFired) {
method(this, arguments);
oldPromise.then(pipeDfr(timeoutDfr.resolveWith), pipeDfr(timeoutDfr.rejectWith));
return this;
* Adds an action that will be executed when the sequence has no
* more actions to execute. If actions are added after whenEmpty action
* is added but before it is executed they will be executed before.
* whenEmpty action will be executed at most once (if actions keep being
* added or are not resolved it can starve)
* @param {Function} action Action to execute if the last action succeed
* (action(deferred, [args,]) : result)
* @see Sequence.push() action parameter
* @param {Function} fallback Action to execute if the last action failed
* (fallback(deferred, [args,]) : result)
* @see Sequence.push() fallback parameter
* @return {Sequence} current instance to allow chaining
SequenceCons.prototype.whenEmpty = function (action, fallback) {
var currentPromise = this.lastPromise;
var self = this;
var pipeActions = function (func) {
return function () {
if (self.lastPromise === currentPromise) {
var nextDeferred = $.Deferred();
self.lastPromise = nextDeferred.promise();
var result = func.apply(this, unshiftArgs(arguments, nextDeferred));
pipeResolve(result, nextDeferred);
} else {
currentPromise = self.lastPromise;
currentPromise.then(pipeActions(action), pipeActions(fallback));
currentPromise.then(pipeActions(action), pipeActions(fallback));
return this;
* Returns the promise that will be resolved by the last action currently
* in the sequence.
* @return {Promise} promise of the last action in the sequence
SequenceCons.prototype.promise = function () {
return this.lastPromise;
* Basic demostration if the sequence
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
deferred.reject('Help me, Third Kenobi. You\'re my only hope');
}, function (deferred) {
console.log('I\'ll never be called but I don\'t care');
}, {
action: function (deferred) {
console.log('third: not called');
fallback: function (deferred, messageFromPast) {
console.log('third: I survived the failure');
console.log('A message!: ' + messageFromPast + ' ...A little too late');
window.setTimeout(function () {
console.log('finally solved');
}, 1000);
console.log('third: I\'m yet to be solved');
}, function (deferred) {
console.log('everything is fine at last');
* Unit tests of the sequence QUnit 1.15
QUnit.asyncTest("action", function (assert) {
var order = false;
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
assert.ok($.isFunction(deferred.resolve), 'deferred object can be resolved');
order = true;
}]).promise().done(function () {
assert.ok(order, 'action was performed in the correct order');
QUnit.asyncTest("message", function (assert) {
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
}, function (deferred, message) {
assert.equal(message, 'message', 'correct message');
QUnit.asyncTest("fallback", function (assert) {
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
}, {
action: function () {
assert.ok(false, 'action cannot be called');
fallback: function (deferred, message) {
assert.equal(message, 'message', 'fallback was called after reject with message');
}]).promise().done(function () {
assert.ok(true, 'fallback recovered the action');
QUnit.asyncTest("cascade rejects", function (assert) {
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
}, function (deferred) {
assert.ok(false, 'Never called without fallback');
}, {
action: function () {},
fallback: function (deferred) {
}]).promise().done(function () {
assert.ok(true, 'fallback recovered the action');
QUnit.asyncTest("return promise", function (assert) {
var order = false;
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
return $.Deferred().resolve();
}]).promise().done(function () {
assert.ok(true, 'promise was chained');
QUnit.asyncTest("check async with timeouts", function (assert) {
var order = 0;
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
assert.equal(order, 1, 'second');
order += 1;
}, 10);
assert.equal(order, 0, 'first');
order += 1;
}, function (deferred) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
assert.equal(order, 2, 'third');
}, 0);
}]).promise().done(function () {
QUnit.asyncTest("check async with timeouts", function (assert) {
var order = 0;
$.Sequence([function (deferred) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
assert.equal(order, 1, 'second');
order += 1;
}, 10);
assert.equal(order, 0, 'first');
order += 1;
}, function (deferred) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
assert.equal(order, 2, 'third');
}, 0);
}]).promise().done(function () {
QUnit.asyncTest("push promise", function (assert) {
promise: $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
}]).promise().done(function () {
assert.ok(true, 'Promise resolved');
QUnit.asyncTest("timeout fired", function (assert) {
promise: $.Deferred().promise()
}, {
timeout: function (deferred) {
assert.ok(true, 'timeout fired');
duration: 4
}]).promise().done(function () {
QUnit.asyncTest("timeout doesn't fire", function (assert) {
var dfr = $.Deferred();
promise: dfr.promise()
}, {
timeout: function (deferred) {
assert.ok(false, 'timeout is never fired');
duration: 10
}, function () {
assert.ok(true, 'next action was executed');
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 20);
QUnit.asyncTest("synchronous", function (assert) {
synchronous: function () {
assert.ok(true, 'function was executed');
}]).promise().done(function () {
QUnit.asyncTest("when empty", function (assert) {
var dfr = $.Deferred();
var order = false;
promise: dfr.promise()
}, {
whenEmpty: function (deferred) {
assert.ok(order, 'after second action');
}, function (deferred) {
order = true;
QUnit.asyncTest("when empty in order", function (assert) {
var order = false;
promise: $.Deferred().resolve()
}, {
whenEmpty: function (deferred) {
order = true;
}, function () {
assert.ok(order, 'after when empty');
QUnit.asyncTest("when empty action return", function (assert) {
$.Sequence([{ whenEmpty: function (deferred) {
var dfr = $.Deferred();
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 20);
return dfr;
}, function () {
assert.ok(true, 'after when empty');
QUnit.asyncTest("push object", function (assert) {
action: function (deferred) {
assert.ok(true, 'action executed');
fallback: function () {
assert.ok(false, 'initial action never calls the fallback');
}).promise().done(function () {
QUnit.asyncTest("chain", function (assert) {
var seq = $.Sequence().push(function (deferred) {
}).pushPromise($.Deferred().resolve()).pushSynchronous(function () {
assert.ok(true, 'executed');
}).push(function (deferred) {
assert.ok(true, 'never resolved');
}).setTimeout(function (deferred) {
deferred.reject('I failed');
seq.promise().fail(function (message) {
assert.ok(true, 'chain completed' + message);
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