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Created August 11, 2015 18:15
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# Class: mod_jk
# Install and configure mod_jk with java
# Parameters
# [*$source_path*]
# The is the directory from where the mod_jk module will get its setup files and configurations
# [*$mod_jk_version*]
# Specify mod_jk version which you want to install
# [*$download_url*]
# Specify mod_jk download url
# [*$download_dir*]
# Specify mod_jk download path
# [*$node1_ip*]
# Specify ip for node1
# [*$node2_ip*]
# Specify ip for node2
# Authors
# Boxupp Team <>
# Copyright
# Copyright © 2014-2015 Paxcel Technologies (p) Ltd
# site :
class mod_jk
# Define mod_jk download url
$download_url = hiera ('mod_jk::download_url', '') ,
# Define mod_jk version
$mod_jk_version = hiera ('mod_jk::mod_jk_version', 'tomcat-connectors-1.2.40-src.tar.gz'),
# Define mod_jk file
$mod_jk_file = hiera ('mod_jk::mod_jk_file', 'tomcat-connectors-1.2.40-src'),
# Define mod_jk download dir
$download_dir = hiera ('mod_jk::download_dir', '/opt' ),
# Define mod_jk modules source path
$source_path = hiera('mod_jk::source_path', '/vagrant/modules/mod_jk/files' ),
# Define IP for node1
$node1_ip = hiera ('mod_jk::node1_ip', ''),
# Define IP for node2
$node2_ip = hiera ('mod_jk::node2_ip', ''),
Exec { path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin',] }
package { 'epel-release-6-8.noarch':
provider => 'rpm',
ensure => installed,
source => "";
package { 'httpd':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['epel-release-6-8.noarch'],
package { 'httpd-devel':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['httpd'],
package { 'wget':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['httpd-devel'],
package { 'gcc':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['wget'],
package { 'gcc-c++':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['gcc'],
package { 'make':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['gcc-c++'],
package { 'libtool':
ensure => installed,
require => Package['make'],
exec { 'get_modjk_installer':
cwd => $download_dir,
command => "wget '${download_url}/${mod_jk_version}'",
unless => "test -e ${mod_jk_version}",
timeout => 1200,
require => Package['libtool'],
exec { "extract_modjk":
cwd => "$download_dir",
command => "tar xzf '${mod_jk_version}'",
unless => "test -e ${mod_jk_file}",
require => Exec['get_modjk_installer'],
exec { "copy_configure":
cwd => "${download_dir}/${mod_jk_file}/native",
command => "cp configure",
unless => "test -e",
require => Exec['extract_modjk'],
exec { "install_modjk":
cwd => "${download_dir}/${mod_jk_file}/native",
command => "sh --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs",
unless => "test -e /etc/httpd/modules/",
require => Exec['copy_configure'],
exec { "make_modjk":
cwd => "${download_dir}/${mod_jk_file}/native",
command => "make",
unless => "test -e /etc/httpd/modules/",
require => Exec['install_modjk'],
exec { "make_install_modjk":
cwd => "${download_dir}/${mod_jk_file}/native",
command => "make install",
unless => "test -e /etc/httpd/modules/",
require => Exec['make_modjk'],
exec {"modjk_configure":
command => "cat $source_path/modjk.conf >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ",
unless => "grep '/etc/httpd/conf/' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf",
require => Exec['make_install_modjk'],
file { "/etc/httpd/conf/":
mode => '0460',
owner => root,
group => root,
content => template('mod_jk/'),
backup => false,
require => Exec["modjk_configure"];
exec { "Open80":
command => "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT",
require => File["/etc/httpd/conf/"];
exec { "start_httpd":
command => "/etc/init.d/httpd restart",
require => Exec["Open80"];
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