Topics coming in the next edition:
- ✅ Load balancers from scratch (published on 10th of October)
- ✅ Terraform (published on 12th of November)
- Serving static content
- CGI, FastCGI, php-fpm
- FastCGI
- php-fpm
- nginx and PHP
- nginx and Vue
- Combined nginx config
- Deploy script
- Deploying from a pipeline
- Provisioning new servers
- supervisor
- Multiple queues and priorities
- Deploying workers
- Optimizing worker processes
- Domain
- nginx worker processes and connections
- fpm processes
- opcache
- gzip
- TLS1.3
- nginx cache
- Caching static content
- Caching fastcgi responses
- AWS S3
- spatie/laravel-backup
- Restore script
- The basics in theory
- The basics in practice
- Overview of the application
- Dockerizing a Laravel API
- Dockerizing a Vue app
- Dockerizing a scheduler and a worker
Reverse proxy
Scheduler and worker
Custom built images for MySQL and nginx
Building images in a pipeline
Optimizing the pipeline
- Docker layers
- Back to the pipeline
Production-ready docker-compose
- Docker named volumes vs bind mounts
- Deploy script
- Deploying from a pipeline
- Provisioning new servers
- update service
- Restore
- Rollback
- Automatic image updates
- Pushing to develop or main
- Opening a PR to main
- Opening a PR to develop (feature branches)
- Reusing jobs (composite actions)
Final touches
- Frontend, nginx, and proxy
- Worker & Scheduler
Limitations of docker-compose
- State
- Basic concepts
- Workers, managers, and leaders
- Creating a cluster
- Application-level changes
- Deploying a stack
- Service placements
- Scaling services
- API and nginx
- Worker
- Visualizing the cluster
- Protecting the databases
- Protecting user-facing service
- Ingress routing mesh
- Health checks
- Restarting services
- Updating services
- Rolling back services
- Deployment
- Deploying from a pipeline
- Update service
- Provisioning nodes
- Uptime
- Uptime robot
- DigitalOcean
- Health check monitors
- Health checks in a cluster
- Server resource alerts
- Error tracking
- Introduction
- Basic concepts
- Pod
- ReplicaSet
- Deployment
- Creating a cluster
- Managed databases
- Deploying a Laravel API
- Configuring the deployment
- Configs and secrets
- Applying the deployment
- Shortcuts
- kubectl apply
- Deploying nginx
- Communication between nginx and FPM
- Deploying a worker
- Deploying a scheduler
- Deploying a frontend
- Running migrations in a cluster
- Caching configs
- Liveness and readiness probes
- API probes
- nginx probes
- worker probes
- frontend probes
- timeoutSeconds
- Autoscaling pods
- Metrics server
- Rolling update config
- maxUnavailable
- maxSurge
- Resource requests and limits
- Health check pods
- Exposing the application
- Ingress
- Ingress controller & load balancer
- Domain & HTTPS
- Deploying the cluster from a pipeline
- Secrets
- Image versions
- Ship it
- kubectl & doctl
- Monitoring the cluster
- Introduction
- Platform-as-a-service
- Serverless functions
- The architecture of a code review tool
- Overview
- Webhook
- Scheduler
- Adding functions
- Serverless Laravel on AWS
- The serverless framework
- bref
- The basics of load balancers
- nginx as a load balancer
- Managed load balancers
- Load balancing with docker-compose
- Caching with a load balancer
- ✅ Load balancers from scratch
- Terraform
- Implementing an autoscaler from sratch
- How to choose a cluster size
- Grafana Cloud
- System design of an uptime service
Yes, anytime! Just send me a mail.