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Last active June 15, 2016 20:13
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  • Save mmas/8364878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mmas/8364878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple javascript (jquery) datepicker/calendar. Based in some other? Don't remember.
var Calendar = function(element, context) {
var widget, utils, $calendar;
widget = this;
utils = {
mod: function(x, n) {
// Fix modulo. Javascript hates Maths.
// x: Number; n: Number.
return ((x % n) + n) % n;
int: function(x) {
// Bitwise. Faster than parseInt or Math.floor.
// x: String
return x | 0;
isodate: function(x) {
// Format date as 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
// x: Date.
return x.toJSON().split('T')[0];
$calendar = $(element);
this.$element = $calendar;
this.cell = function(date_str) {
// Return wich corresponds with the date passed (yyyy-mm-dd).
var date, current_date, $cell;
current_date = getCalendarDate();
date = date_str.split('-');
if ([0]) == current_date[0] &&[1]) == current_date[1] + 1) {
$cell = $calendar.find('td[data-month=' + current_date[1] + '][data-day=' +[2]) + ']');
if ($cell.length) return $cell;
}; = function($cell) {
// Return date (Date object) the $cell ( or the currently selected if not $cell is passed.
var date;
if ($cell === undefined) {
date = $calendar.attr('data-value');
date = (date) ? new Date(date) : null;
return date;
else {
$cell = $($cell);
return new Date($calendar.attr('data-year')),$cell.attr('data-month')),$cell.attr('data-day')),
this.refresh = function() {
renderDays( || new Date(), false);
$calendar.find('button.prev').bind('click', onClickCalendarPrev);
$calendar.find('').bind('click', onClickCalendarNext);
$calendar.find('').bind('click', onClickCalendarToday);
$calendar.on('click', '.day', onClickCalendarDay);
function onClickCalendarPrev(e) {
var date;
date = getCalendarDate();
if (date[1] - 1 < 0) date[0]--;
setCalendarDate(date[0], utils.mod((date[1] - 1), 12), 1);
date = new Date(date[0], utils.mod((date[1] - 1), 12), 1, 12);
function onClickCalendarNext(e) {
var date;
date = getCalendarDate();
if (date[1] + 1 > 11) date[0]++;
setCalendarDate(date[0], utils.mod((date[1] + 1), 12), 1);
date = new Date(date[0], utils.mod((date[1] + 1), 12), 1, 12);
function onClickCalendarToday(e) {
var date;
date = new Date();
setCalendarDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
function onClickCalendarDay(e) {
var $day, date;
date = getCalendarDate();
$day = $(e.currentTarget);
if ($day.hasClass('selected')) {
$calendar.trigger('widgets.calendar:change', [$calendar, null]);
else {
date[2] =$day.attr('data-day'));
setCalendarDate(date[0], date[1], date[2]);
date = new Date(date[0], date[1], date[2], 12);
$calendar.attr('data-value', utils.isodate(date));
$calendar.trigger('widgets.calendar:change', [$calendar, date]);
function getCalendarDate() {
return [$calendar.attr('data-year')),$calendar.attr('data-month')),$calendar.attr('data-day'))
function setCalendarDate(year, month, day) {
$calendar.attr('data-year', year);
$calendar.attr('data-month', month);
$calendar.attr('data-day', day || 1);
$calendar.find('.month').text(context.months[utils.mod(month, 12)]);
function isToday(day, month, year) {
var today;
today = new Date();
return today.getDate() == day && today.getMonth() == month && today.getFullYear() == year;
function isSelected(date_selected, day, month, year) {
if (! date_selected) return false;
return date_selected.getDate() == day && date_selected.getMonth() == month && date_selected.getFullYear() == year;
function render() {
var $table, $header, $thead, $tbody, $row, date, i;
date = || new Date();
setCalendarDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
$header = $('<header />').appendTo($calendar);
$header.append($('<span class="month" />').text(context.months[date.getMonth()]));
$header.append($('<span class="year" />').text(date.getFullYear()));
$header.append($('<button class="next" />').attr('title',;
$header.append($('<button class="prev" />').attr('title', context.prev).text(context.prev));
$header.append($('<button class="today" />').attr('title',;
$table = $('<table />').appendTo($calendar);
$thead = $('<thead />').appendTo($table);
$row = $('<tr />').appendTo($thead);
for (i in context.days) $row.append($('<th />').text(context.days[i]))
$tbody = $('<tbody />').appendTo($table);
function renderDays(date, trigger) {
var $tbody, $row, $cell, $span, day, month, year, this_month, next_month, i, a_day, first_day_month,
days_in_this_month, last_day_prev_month, week_day, remaining_days, date_selected;
trigger = (trigger === undefined) ? true : trigger; // Default=true.
$tbody = $calendar.find('tbody');
date_selected = $calendar.attr('data-value');
if (date_selected) date_selected = new Date(date_selected);
$row = $('<tr />').appendTo($tbody);
day = date.getDate();
month = date.getMonth();
year = date.getFullYear();
this_month = new Date(year, month, 1, 12);
next_month = new Date(year, month + 1, 1, 12);
// Find out when months start and end.
a_day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
first_day_month = this_month.getDay() - 1; // Start week on Monday
days_in_this_month = Math.round((next_month.getTime() - this_month.getTime()) / a_day);
last_day_prev_month = new Date(this_month.getTime() - a_day).getDate();
// Redefine if Sunday.
first_day_month = utils.mod(first_day_month, 7);
// Last days previous months and first week current month.
for (i = first_day_month; i > 0; i--) {
$cell = $('<td />').addClass('day prev').appendTo($row);
$span = $('<span />').addClass('day-number').text(last_day_prev_month - i + 1).appendTo($cell);
// From second week of current month to end of month.
week_day = Math.max(0, first_day_month); // Avoid to set a negative value if months starts by monday 1
for (i = 1; i <= days_in_this_month; i++) {
week_day = utils.mod(week_day, 7);
if (week_day === 0) $row = $('<tr />').appendTo($tbody);
$cell = $('<td />').addClass('day').attr('data-day', i).attr('data-month', month).appendTo($row);
$span = $('<span />').addClass('day-number').text(i).appendTo($cell);
if (isToday(i, month, year)) $cell.addClass('today');
if (isSelected(date_selected, i, month, year)) $cell.addClass('selected');
// First days of next month
remaining_days = 7 - $row.find('span').length;
for (i = 0; i < remaining_days; i++) {
$cell = $('<td />').addClass('day next').appendTo($row);
$span = $('<span />').addClass('day-number').text(i + 1).appendTo($cell);
if (trigger) $calendar.trigger('widgets.calendar:render', [date]);
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