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Last active August 9, 2017 15:42
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Cheap and easy advanced dns parser for namecheap
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc=open('dns.html', 'r').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'advanced-dns'})
rows = table.findAll('tr', attrs={'class': '[object Object]'})
for row in rows:
cols = row.findAll('td')
rowtextl = [c.text.strip().replace('\n',' ') for c in cols]
removelist = (u'TTL Automatic', u'Remove Edit')
for r in removelist:
if r in rowtextl:
rowtextl[0] = rowtextl[0].replace(u'Type ', u'').replace(u' Record', u'')
rowtextl[1] = rowtextl[1].replace(u'Host ', u'')
striplist = (u'IP Address ', u'Target ', u'Nameserver ', u'Value ')
for s in striplist:
rowtextl[2] = rowtextl[2].replace(s, u'')
print rowtextl
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