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Forked from killertofus/
Created October 29, 2023 00:48
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roblox installer
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Roblox Installer by blan.ks"
echo "Before the installation continues I heavily encourage you to read through the script and ensure it is not malicious"
sleep 6
#Checks if their cpu supports required features for Hyperion anti-cheat
if lscpu | grep -o "avx" 1>/dev/null || \
echo "Sadly your computer is too old to play ROBLOX! With the release of Hyperion/Byfron anticheat brought requirements that your computer does not meet. (Missing AVX)" && exit
which flatpak || \
echo "flatpak is missing and is required for this script. installing it for you." && sudo apt install flatpak
echo "Setting up flatpak"
flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
#Flatpak is used as that is easiest
echo "Installing Vinegar flatpak"
echo "Please press y at the prompt. Vinegar is the thing that lets you play roblox"
flatpak install io.gitub.vinegarhq.Vinegar
flatpak list --app | grep "io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar" || \
echo "It seems Vinegar was not installed. Please run again and make sure you pressed y" && exit
echo "Installing WineGE"
echo "This may take a minute depending on your wifi and computer speeds"
cd ~/
wget ""
tar -xvf wine-lutris-GE-Proton8-21-x86_64.tar.xz
echo "Setting up config.toml"
mkdir -p ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar
if test -f ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml; then
echo "User has already made config.toml. changed to config.toml.bak"
mv ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml.bak
touch ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml
echo -e "[global]\nwineroot = \"$HOME/wine-lutris-GE-Proton8-21-x86_64\"\nchannel = \"zavatarteam2\"" > ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml
echo -e "Launching ROBLOX..."
flatpak run io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar player
echo "If ROBLOX does not launch after a couple minutes or performs badly while in a game please press enter"
echo "Otherwise you may exit out of this window now and play roblox"
echo "NOTE: If logging in from the client does not work please do it from the website and start a game from there"
end 1
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