You can create an encrypted mp3 using Zencoder's encryption settings:
"input": "s3://my-bucket/super-secret.mp3",
"output": [
"encryption_method": "aes-128",
"encryption_key": "a5f6a7d6ef5d6a7a02a23dd35dd56a63",
"encryption_iv": "a5f6a7d6ef5d6a7a02a23dd35dd56a63"
Obviously you won't be able to play back the file you just created, so you'll need to decrypt locally using OpenSSL:
openssl aes-128-cbc -K a5f6a7d6ef5d6a7a02a23dd35dd56a63 -iv a5f6a7d6ef5d6a7a02a23dd35dd56a63 -d -in ./super-secret-encrypted.mp3 -out ./super-secret-decoded.mp3
Encrypted media extensions may solve the issue soon, but for now even if you could decrypt this in the browser and play it back, it wouldn't do much in terms of protection. You'd be providing everything the client needed to decrypt (key / IV) in plaintext, thus rendering the encryption itself pretty useless.