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Created September 3, 2017 15:05
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Harvey contour processing
from __future__ import print_function
from subprocess import call
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, cpu_count
def process():
chunk_size = 1300
max_size = 4233236 + chunk_size
start = 1
end = chunk_size
chunk_num = 1
queue = Queue()
processes = [setup_processes(queue) for i in range(cpu_count())]
while end < max_size:
# Shell out ogr call to a process
queue.put((chunk_num, start, end))
# Increment to another chunk
start += chunk_size
end += chunk_size
chunk_num += 1
# Put enough kill messages in the queue for each process to receive
for p in processes:
queue.put([None] * 3)
def setup_processes(queue):
handler = Process(target=convert_chunk, args=((queue),))
# Allow the main process to block until the spawned processes terminate
handler.daemon = False
return handler
def convert_chunk(queue):
while True:
cnt, lower, upper = queue.get()
if cnt is not None:
where = 'fid >= {} and fid < {}'.format(lower, upper)
'-f', 'GeoJSON',
'-t_srs', 'epsg:4326',
'-select', 'CONTOUR',
'-where', '{}'.format(where),
# Kill message received, exit the read loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
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