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Created September 12, 2012 15:31
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Handlebars task
function (Handlebars, depth0, helpers, partials, data) {
helpers = helpers || Handlebars.helpers;
var buffer = "",
stack1, stack2, foundHelper, tmp1, self = this,
functionType = "function",
helperMissing = helpers.helperMissing,
undef = void 0,
escapeExpression = this.escapeExpression,
blockHelperMissing = helpers.blockHelperMissing;
function program1(depth0, data) {
var buffer = "",
stack1, stack2, stack3;
buffer += "\n <h2>";
foundHelper = helpers.key;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.key;
if (typeof stack1 === functionType) {
stack1 =, {
hash: {}
} else if (stack1 === undef) {
stack1 =, "key", {
hash: {}
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "</h2>\n";
stack1 = "low, high";
stack2 = {};
stack3 = "setValue";
stack2['label'] = stack3;
foundHelper = helpers.set;
stack3 = foundHelper || depth0.set;
tmp1 = self.program(2, program2, data);
tmp1.hash = stack2;
tmp1.fn = tmp1;
tmp1.inverse = self.noop;
if (foundHelper && typeof stack3 === functionType) {
stack1 =, stack1, tmp1);
} else {
stack1 =, stack3, stack1, tmp1);
if (stack1 || stack1 === 0) {
buffer += stack1;
buffer += "\n";
return buffer;
function program2(depth0, data) {
var buffer = "",
stack1, stack2, stack3;
buffer += "\n <input type=\"radio\" name=\"";
foundHelper = helpers.key;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.key;
if (typeof stack1 === functionType) {
stack1 =, {
hash: {}
} else if (stack1 === undef) {
stack1 =, "key", {
hash: {}
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "\" value=\"";
foundHelper = helpers.setValue;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.setValue;
if (typeof stack1 === functionType) {
stack1 =, {
hash: {}
} else if (stack1 === undef) {
stack1 =, "setValue", {
hash: {}
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "\"";
foundHelper = helpers.setValue;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.setValue;
foundHelper = helpers.value;
stack2 = foundHelper || depth0.value;
foundHelper = helpers.eq;
stack3 = foundHelper || depth0.eq;
tmp1 = self.program(3, program3, data);
tmp1.hash = {};
tmp1.fn = tmp1;
tmp1.inverse = self.noop;
if (foundHelper && typeof stack3 === functionType) {
stack1 =, stack2, stack1, tmp1);
} else {
stack1 =, stack3, stack2, stack1, tmp1);
if (stack1 || stack1 === 0) {
buffer += stack1;
buffer += "> ";
foundHelper = helpers.setValue;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.setValue;
if (typeof stack1 === functionType) {
stack1 =, {
hash: {}
} else if (stack1 === undef) {
stack1 =, "setValue", {
hash: {}
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "\n";
return buffer;
function program3(depth0, data) {
return " checked";
buffer += "<h1>Settings</h1>\n";
foundHelper = helpers.settings;
stack1 = foundHelper || depth0.settings;
foundHelper = helpers.hash;
stack2 = foundHelper || depth0.hash;
tmp1 = self.program(1, program1, data);
tmp1.hash = {};
tmp1.fn = tmp1;
tmp1.inverse = self.noop;
if (foundHelper && typeof stack2 === functionType) {
stack1 =, stack1, tmp1);
} else {
stack1 =, stack2, stack1, tmp1);
if (stack1 || stack1 === 0) {
buffer += stack1;
buffer += "\n";
return buffer;
Handlebars.registerHelper("hash", function (context, options) {
return Object.keys(context).map(function (key) {
return options.fn({
key: key,
value: context[key]
Handlebars.registerHelper("set", function (set, options) {
var label = options.hash.label || value,
res = set.split(",").map(function (value) {
this[label] = value.trim();
return options.fn(this);
}, this).join("");
delete this[label];
return res;
Handlebars.registerHelper("eq", function (a, b, options) {
if (a === b) {
return options.fn(this);
{{#hash settings}}
{{#set "low, high" label="setValue"}}
<input type="radio" name="{{key}}" value="{{setValue}}"{{#eq value setValue}} checked{{/eq}}> {{setValue}}
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getify commented Sep 12, 2012

clarification of the spirit of my original scenario question:

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@getify I've implemented set and made the inline condition a bit cleaner. It seems like Handlebars only allows passing strings into block helpers so it does not look perfect.

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getify commented Sep 12, 2012

awesome, thanks for the help clarifying!

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