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Last active August 17, 2016 04:03
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W1D2 Exercises
/** SECTION ONE - Booleans Conditionals */
1. Type the two boolean values -- true and false -- into your console.
2. Use the console to accomplish the following:
- Write an expression using > that will evaluate to false
- Write an expression using > that will evaluate to true
- Write an expression using < that will evaluate to false
- Write an expression using < that will evaluate to true
- Write an expression using two numbers and === that will evaluate to true
- Write an expression using two numbers and === that will evaluate to false
- Write an expression using two strings and === that will evaluate to true
- Write an expression using two strings and === that will evaluate to false
Fill in the ??? with the following operators or values to make the statements output
the expected Boolean value.
12 ??? 78
// => true
24 ??? 16
// => false
45 !== ???
// => true
"45" ??? 45
// => false
"6" ??? "six"
// => true
Write a function 'oldEnoughToDrink' that takes an 'age' as an argument and returns
true if the person with that age is old enough to drink.
There's an easy way to figure out how long a string is by adding .length to the
end of it. Try this out in the console:
"John Doe".length;
Write a function 'sameLength' that accepts two strings as arguments, and returns
true if those strings have the same length, and false otherwise
Write a function 'passwordLongEnough' that accepts a "password" as a parameter
and returns true if that password is long enough -- you get to decide what
constitutes long enough.
1. Write a function bouncer that accepts a person's name and age as arguments, and
returns either "Go home, NAME.", or "Welcome, NAME!" (where NAME is the parameter
that represents the person's name) depending on whether or not the person is old
enough to drink.
2. Write a function max that takes two numbers as arguments, and returns the
larger one.
3. Write a function min that takes two numbers as arguments, and returns the
smaller one.
4. Write functions larger and smaller that each accept two strings as arguments, and
return the larger and smaller strings, respectively.
Write the following functions that each accept a single number as an argument:
- even: returns true if its argument is even, and false otherwise.
- odd: the opposite of the above.
- positive: returns true if its argument is positive, and false otherwise.
- negative: the opposite of the above.
A couple of other useful built-in mathematical functions are Math.random,
Math.floor and Math.ceil. Look these functions up on MDN to learn how they
work, and use them to implement the following functions:
- randInt: Should accept a single numeric argument (n), and return a number
from 0 to n.
- guessMyNumber: Should accept a single numeric argument and compare it to a
random number between 0 and 5. It should return one of the following strings:
-- "You guessed my number!" if the argument matches the random number.
-- "Nope! That wasn't it!" if the argument did not match the random number.
/** SECTION TWO - More Conditionals */
What is wrong with the following definitions of square? Write a sentence or two describing the issue(s); then,
1. Is the ! operator a unary operator, or binary operator?
2. Evaluate each of the following expressions first on a whiteboard or piece of
paper, and then in a console:
!(2 >= 2)
!(4 === 4)
!(5 !== 5)
1 > 2 || 2 > 2 || 3 > 2
5 < 5 || 75 < 74
1. Write a function called 'scoreToGrade' that accepts a number as a parameter
and returns a string representing a letter grade corresponding to that score.
For example, the following grades should be returned given these scores:
'A' > 90
'B' >= 80
'C' >= 70
'D' >= 60
'F' < 60
function scoreToGrade(score) {
// TODO: your code here
scoreToGrade(95); // => 'A'
scoreToGrade(72); // => 'C'
Modify the 'scoreToGrade' function so that it returns
'INVALID SCORE' if the score is greater than 100 or less than 0.
1. Think of at least three activities that you enjoy doing outdoors and the range
of temperatures and weather patterns (e.g sunny, windy, snowy, rainy, etc.) that
are best for these activities. Write a function 'whatToDoOutside' that accepts a
temperature and condition as parameters and outputs a string of the
format: "The weather is ideal for: ACTIVITY" (where ACTIVITY is an actual
activity). Make sure to include an else that indicates what should be done if
the conditions do not match any activities. If you're short on inspiration,
here are some ideas:
- Snow Sports: snowboarding, skiing
- Water Sports: surfing, sailing, paddle boarding, swimming
- Team Sports: basketball, baseball, football (American or everywhere else), etc.
2. The 'guessMyNumber' function from SECTION ONE EXERCISE EIGHT (line 116) the
accepts a guess n and checks it against a random number from 0 to 5 -- if the
guess n is greater than 5, output a different message indicating that the guess
is out of bounds.
NOTE: It will be helpful to first write a 'randInt' function that accepts a
number n and computes a random integer from 0 to n; then, you can use this
function in 'guessMyNumber'.
3. Modify the scoreToGrade function so that it returns 'A+/A-' for scores
of 98-100/90-92 respectively. Apply the same logic for all other letter grades.
You should have noticed a large amount of repetitive code when modifying
'scoreToGrade' to accommodate + or - grades. When we do lots of repetitive
things, that's a clear signal that there's a better way. Write a helper
function 'letterGrade' that accepts two arguments, letter and score, and
works as follows:
function letterGrade(letter, score) {
// your code here
// These are examples of what a *working* function would output.
letterGrade('A', 95); // => 'A'
letterGrade('A', 91); // => 'A-'
letterGrade('B', 88); // => 'B+'
letterGrade('monkey', 160); // => 'monkey-'
/** Finally, use 'letterGrade' to remove the repetition in scoreToGrade. */
It turns out that we can write logical and and logical or in terms of each
other and logical not using De Morgan's Laws (
1. Write a function or that works like ||, but only uses ! and &&.
2. Write a function and that works like &&, but only uses ! and ||.
Summation to n: Let's implement the function sum that takes a single
parameter n, and computes the sum of all integers up to n starting from
0, e.g.:
function sum(n) {
// TODO: your code here
sum(3); // => 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 => 6
sum(4); // => 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 => 10
sum(5); // => 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 => 15
// HINT: We can rephrase "the sum of n" as "n plus the sum of n - 1".
Factorial of n: The factorial of n is the product of all the integers
preceding n, starting with 1, e.g.:
function factorial(n) {
// TODO: your code here
factorial(3); // => 3 * 2 * 1 => 6
factorial(4); // => 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 => 24
factorial(5); // => 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 => 120
// Implement the factorial function by observing that the "factorial of n"
// can be rephrased as "n times the factorial of n - 1".
Repeating a String n Times: Let's write a function called repeatString that takes
two parameters: a string str, which is the string to be repeated, and
count -- a number representing how many times the string str should be
repeated, e.g.
function repeatString(str, count) {
// TODO: your code here
repeatString('dog', 0); // => ''
repeatString('dog', 1); // => 'dog'
repeatString('dog', 2); // => 'dog' + 'dog' => 'dogdog'
repeatString('dog', 3); // => 'dog' + 'dog' + 'dog' => 'dogdogdog'
Your task is to implement the repeatString function using the observation that
to repeat a string some count, we can concatenate that string onto the result
of repeating the string count - 1.
HINT: Observe that repeatString('dog', 0) should yield the empty string, ''. What
happens if you evaluate this: '' + 'dog'?
Compute the nth Fibonacci Number: The fibonacci numbers are represented by
the following sequence:
fib(n): 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
| | | | | | | |
n: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
That is, fib(0) is 1, fib(1) is 1, fib(2) is 2, fib(3) is 3, fib(4) is 5, etc.
Notice that each fibonacci number can be computed by adding the previous two
fibonacci numbers, with the exception of the first two: fib(0) and fib(1).
More succinctly,
fib(0) is 1
fib(1) is 1
fib(n) is fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
Write a function called fib that accepts a number n as a parameter and computes
the nth fibonacci number using the above rules.
Modify your sum function from EXERCISE ONE of this section to accept two
parameters, start and end: sum should now compute the sum of the numbers from
start to end, e.g.
function sum(start, end) {
// TODO: your code here
sum(2, 7); // => 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 => 27
sum(3, 5); // => 3 + 4 + 5 => 12
// What happens if start is larger than end? Modify sum to check for this
// case and, when found, swap the start and end arguments.
Write a function 'product' that works like sum, except it should compute
the product of the numbers from start to end.
HINT: Refactor your 'factorial' function from earlier to be implemented in terms
of 'product'.
Let's pretend for a moment that JavaScript does not have the addition
operator + -- instead, it comes with two functions called 'inc' and 'dec'
that perform increment and decrement respectively:
// ignore the fact that inc makes use of +
function inc(x) {
return x + 1;
function dec(x) {
return x - 1;
Your task is to write a function called add that takes two numbers as
parameters, x and y, and adds them together. The catch is that you can only
use 'inc' and 'dec' to accomplish this.
Write a function called 'isEven' that, given a number n as a parameter, returns
true if that number is even, and false otherwise; however, you need to do this
without using the % operator.
Write a function called multiply that accepts two numbers as parameters, and
multiplies them together -- but without using the * operator; instead, you'll
need to use repeated addition.
By now you should have worked with the length property of strings,
e.g. "hello".length. Your task is to write a function called stringLength
that accepts a string as a parameter and computes the length of that string;
however, as you may have guessed, you are not allowed to use the length
property of the string!
Instead, you'll need to make use of the string method called slice. To get an
idea of how slice works, try the following at a console:
For our purposes, we can consider slice as taking one argument -- the index to
begin slicing from, and returns a new string starting from that index onwards.
Indices are positions of characters within strings, and they always begin counting
from 0, e.g.:
"h e l l o" (spaces added for clarity)
| | | | |
0 1 2 3 4
The "h" character has index (position) 0 in the string "hello", "e" has
index 1, l has index 2, etc.
The "modulo" operator (%) computes the remainder after dividing its left
operand by its right one, e.g.
5 % 2; // => 1
8 % 10; // => 8
7 % 5; // => 2
Write a function called modulo that works like the % operator, but without using it.
Write a function called countChars that accepts two parameters: a string and a
character. This function should return a number representing the number of times
that the character appears in string. To access the first element of a string, you
can use the following syntax:
// access the element at index 0
"hello"[0]; // => "h"
"dog"[0]; // => "d"
// HINT: You'll also need to make use of the slice method as shown above in the
// exercise on computing the length of a string.
Implement a function called indexOf that accepts two paramters: a string and a
character, and returns the first index of character in the string. You'll need
to make use of the techniques for accessing the first element of a string and the
rest of the string (slice) as before.
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