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Created September 14, 2018 14:58
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object HigherOrderAbstractSyntax {
* Let's write a language which supports:
* let i = 0
* in while (i < 10) { i = i + 1 }
trait Expr[F[_]] {
def intLit(value: Int): F[Int]
def add(l: F[Int], r: F[Int]): F[Int]
// Uses scala lambdas in input type
def let[A, B](name: Symbol, value: F[A], body: F[A] => F[B]): F[B]
def updateVar[A](name: Symbol, value: F[A]): F[A]
def lessThan(l: F[Int], Right: F[Int]): F[Boolean]
def while0[A](condition: F[Boolean], body: F[A]): F[Unit]
object Expr {
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Expr[F]): Expr[F] = F
implicit class IntExprSyntax[F[_]](left: F[Int]) {
def + (right: F[Int])(implicit F: Expr[F]): F[Int] = F.add(left, right)
def < (right: F[Int])(implicit F: Expr[F]): F[Boolean] = F.lessThan(left, right)
def int[F[_]: Expr](i: Int): F[Int] = Expr[F].intLit(i)
def let[F[_]: Expr, A, B](name: Symbol, value: F[A])(body: F[A] => F[B]): F[B] =
Expr[F].let(name, value, body)
def while0[F[_]: Expr, A](condition: F[Boolean])(body: F[A]): F[Unit] =
Expr[F].while0(condition, body)
case class IState(value: Map[Symbol, Any]) {
def addVariable(name: Symbol, v: Any): IState =
copy(value = value + (name -> v))
def removeVariable(name: Symbol): IState =
copy(value = value - name)
import scalaz.zio._
// Look how in this program, 'i is defined in let, but than becomes a real
// scala variable in the places where you want to use it.
// Variables in the DSL, have now become variables in scala as well. This
// doesn't hold for the updateVar yet. This can be worked around, but if
def program[F[_]: Expr]: F[Unit] =
let('i, int(0))(i =>
while0(i < int(10))(
Expr[F].updateVar('i, i + int(1))
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