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Created August 2, 2013 06:45
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Script that resizes and crop an image and then sets as background for iTerm
# Script that resizes and crop an image and then sets as background for iTerm
# First, check to see if we have the correct terminal!
if [ "$(tty)" == 'not a tty' ] || [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "" ] ; then
exit $?
# Console dimensions
# Generate dimension based on screensize
H=$((1440/178*`stty size | cut -d ' ' -f2`))
V=$((900/47*`stty size | cut -d ' ' -f1`))
function set_bg {
local tty=$(tty)
osascript -e "
tell application \"iTerm\"
repeat with theTerminal in terminals
tell theTerminal
tell session id \"$tty\"
set background image path to \"$1\"
end tell
on error errmesg number errn
end try
end tell
end repeat
end tell"
convert /path/to/source-image.jpg -resize "$DIMENSIONS^" -gravity center -crop $DIMENSIONS+0+0 +repage /tmp/iterm-bg-$DIMENSIONS.jpg
set_bg "/tmp/iterm-bg-$DIMENSIONS.jpg"
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