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Created June 11, 2013 12:59
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package com.ctrloptcmd.string {
* Copyright 2009 Martin Jacobsen.
* @langversion ActionScript 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @author Martin Jacobsen
* @since 2009-02-02
* @version 1.0
* @description : Utility class for finding, validating and transforming URLs.
* Several URLParsers exist, but those I found were all too generic,
* mainly by being too restrictive (only accepting URLs with 'http' and .com | .org.| .net)
* or too lax (accepting .egg, .bacon and so forth). Hence this class.
* The URLParsing logic here is a unholy matrimony of RegExp and String utilities.
* The ActionScript implementation of RegExp leaves something to be desired, and I decided
* to store the TLDs in a Vector partly because I've been told that running through a Vector
* is more effective than using RegExp when you're looking for exact matches and partly
* because I just couldn't get the RegExp to work when it reached a certain length...
* Might just be my incompetence.
* The usage is pretty self-explanatory, but to sum it up;
* var validator : URLValidator = new URLValidator();
* validator.validate("") // returns true;
* validator.validate("") // returns true unless protocolOptional is set to false;
* var a:Array = validator.find(longStringWithScatteredURLs) // returns an Array of objects
* a[0].url // the URL.
* a[0].startIndex // the startIndex of the URL in the text
* a[0].endIndex // you get it...
* validator.tag(longStringWithScatteredURLs) // returns the original string
* // with all URLs neatly <a href'ed
* // optionally add tags and substitute text.
* @license: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. (But, hey: Credit is always welcome.)
public class URLValidator {
private var urlStructure : RegExp;
private var domainList : Vector.<String>;
private var legal : Vector.<String>;
public var trimHotChars : Boolean = true;
public var protocolOptional : Boolean = true;
public function URLValidator () {
public function validate(stringToValidate:String) : Boolean {
var isURL : Boolean = false;
if(domainsValid(stringToValidate)) {
if (urlStructure.exec(stringToValidate) != null &&
stringToValidate.length == urlStructure.exec(stringToValidate)[0].length){
isURL = true;
return isURL;
public function findValid(stringToValidate:String) : Boolean {
var hasURL : Boolean = false;
if(domainsValid(stringToValidate)) {
if (urlStructure.exec(stringToValidate) != null){
hasURL = true;
return hasURL;
public function find(stringToSearch:String) : Array {
var subToSearch : String = stringToSearch;
var urlArray : Array = [];
var searchPos : uint = 0;
while(subToSearch.length > 3){
if (urlStructure.exec(subToSearch) != null){
var theURL : String = urlStructure.exec(subToSearch)[0];
if(trimHotChars) theURL = trim(theURL);
var o:Object = new Object;
o.url = theURL;
o.startIndex = stringToSearch.indexOf(theURL);
o.endIndex = o.startIndex + theURL.length;
var n : uint = subToSearch.indexOf(theURL) + theURL.length;
subToSearch = subToSearch.substring(n);
} else {
subToSearch = "";
function trim(s:String) : String {
for (var i:int = s.length; i > 0; i++){
if(s.substr(s.length-1).match(/[\.\)?!\"",]/) != null){
s = s.slice(0,s.length-1);
} else {
return s
return urlArray;
public function tag( stringToSearch : String,
startTags : String = "",
endTags : String = "",
linkText : String = null) : String {
var urls:Array = find(stringToSearch);
for each (var urlObj:Object in urls){
var theURL : String;
var originalURL: String;
theURL = originalURL = urlObj.url;
var link : String = "";
var start : String = startTags + "<a href='";
var end : String = "</a>" + endTags;
if(|https|ftp):\/\/)/) < 0){
theURL = "http://" + theURL;
if (linkText) link = linkText;
else link = originalURL;
theURL = start + theURL + "'>" + link + end;
stringToSearch = stringToSearch.replace(originalURL, theURL);
return stringToSearch;
private function domainsValid(hasDomainString:String) : Boolean {
var hasDomain : Boolean = false;
for each(var item:String in domainList){
var tld : RegExp = new RegExp("(\\"+item+")");
if ( >-1){
var nextChar : String;
nextChar = hasDomainString.substr( + item.length, 1);
hasDomain = true;
hasDomain = true; //FIXME!
function isLegal(q:String) : Boolean {
var isLegit : Boolean = false;
for each (var legalChar:String in legal){
if(q == legalChar){
isLegit = true;
return isLegit;
return hasDomain;
public function createRules() : void {
urlStructure = /(((http|https|ftp):\/\/)?([-a-z0-9]*\.+)?[-a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[-a-zA-Z]+)([\/&\?=\.;%\+\$@~][\S]*)?/
urlStructure = /(((http|https|ftp):\/\/)([-a-z0-9]*\.+)?[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z]+)([\/&\?=\.;%\+\$@~][\S]*)?/
domainList = new Vector.<String>();
domainList.push (".ac",".ad",".ae",".aero",".af",".ag",".ai",".al",".am",".an",".ao",".aq",".ar",".arpa",".as",".asia",".at",".au",".aw",".ax",".az",".ba",".bb",".bd",".be",".bf",".bg",".bh",".bi",".biz",".bj",".bm",".bn",".bo",".br",".bs",".bt",".bv",".bw",".by",".bz",".ca",".cat",".cc",".cd",".cf",".cg",".ch",".ci",".ck",".cl",".cm",".cn",".com",".coop",".cr",".cu",".cv",".cx",".cy",".cz",".de",".dj",".dk",".dm",".do",".dz",".ec",".edu",".ee",".eg",".er",".es",".et",".eu",".fi",".fj",".fk",".fm",".fo",".fr",".ga",".gb",".gd",".ge",".gf",".gg",".gh",".gi",".gl",".gm",".gn",".gov",".gp",".gq",".gr",".gs",".gt",".gu",".gw",".gy",".hk",".hm",".hn",".hr",".ht",".hu",".id",".ie",".il",".im",".in",".info",".int",".io",".iq",".ir",".is",".it",".je",".jm",".jo",".jobs",".jp",".ke",".kg",".kh",".ki",".km",".kn",".kp",".kr",".kw",".ky",".kz",".la",".lb",".lc",".li",".lk",".lr",".ls",".lt",".lu",".lv",".ly",".ma",".mc",".md",".me",".mg",".mh",".mil",".mk",".ml",".mm",".mn",".mo",".mobi",".mp",".mq",".mr",".ms",".mt",".mu",".museum",".mv",".mw",".mx",".my",".mz",".na",".name",".nc",".net",".nf",".ng",".ni",".nl",".no",".np",".nr",".nu",".nz",".om",".org",".pa",".pe",".pf",".pg",".ph",".pk",".pl",".pm",".pn",".pr",".pro",".ps",".pt",".pw",".py",".qa",".re",".ro",".rs",".ru",".rw",".sa",".sb",".sc",".sd",".se",".sg",".sh",".si",".sj",".sk",".sl",".sm",".sn",".so",".sr",".st",".su",".sv",".sy",".sz",".tc",".td",".tel",".tf",".tg",".th",".tj",".tk",".tl",".tm",".tn",".to",".tp",".tr",".travel",".tt",".tv",".tw",".tz",".ua",".ug",".uk",".us",".uy",".uz",".va",".vc",".ve",".vg",".vi",".vn",".vu",".wf",".ws",".ye",".yt",".yu",".za",".zm",".zw");
function strLenSort(x:String,y:String) : Number {
if (x.length > y.length){
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
legal = new Vector.<String>();
legal.push(" ","/","~","*","?",".",",",";",":","-","%","=","_","$","&","'","@","!","+","");
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