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Created August 16, 2013 02:20
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Save mmhelloworld/6246700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quicksort with local mutation in ST monad with Java collections in Frege
module helloworld.QuicksortInversion where
--Quicksort with inversion
qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> ([a], Int)
qsort xs = go where
go = do
jlist <- ArrayList.fromList xs
inv <- 0 -- initialize the inversion as 0
let qsortImperative !from !to
| from < to = do
Ref.modify (+ (to - from)) inv -- update inversion
pivotPos <- medianPos jlist from to -- median as pivot
pivot <- jlist.unsafeGet pivotPos
swap jlist pivotPos from
!newPivotPos <- qpartition jlist from to pivot
swap jlist from newPivotPos
qsortImperative from (newPivotPos- 1)
qsortImperative (newPivotPos + 1) to
| otherwise = return ()
size <- jlist.size
qsortImperative 0 (size - 1)
sorted <- jlist.toList
invCount <- Ref.get inv
return (sorted, invCount)
qpartition :: Ord a => Mutable s (JList a) -> Int -> Int -> a -> ST s Int
qpartition xs !from !to pivot = go (from + 1) (from + 1) where
go !i !j
| j <= to = do
elem <- xs.unsafeGet j
case compare elem pivot of
LT -> swap xs j i >> go (i + 1)(j + 1)
otherwise -> go i (j + 1)
| otherwise = return (i - 1)
medianOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a -> a
medianOn f a b c =
let (large, small) = if f a > f b then (a, b) else (b, a) in
if f c > f large then large else (if f c < f small then small else c)
medianPos :: Ord a => Mutable s (JList a) ->Int -> Int -> ST s Int
medianPos xs from to = do
let mid = (from + to) `quot` 2
felem <- xs.unsafeGet from
telem <- xs.unsafeGet to
melem <- xs.unsafeGet mid
return . snd $ medianOn fst (felem, from)(telem, to) (melem, mid)
--Java Definitions
data IndexOutOfBoundsException = native java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
derive Exceptional IndexOutOfBoundsException
data Collection a = native java.util.Collection
data Iterator e = native java.util.Iterator where
native hasNext :: Mutable s (Iterator e) -> ST s Bool
native next :: Mutable s (Iterator e) -> ST s e
native remove :: Mutable s (Iterator e) -> ST s ()
data JList a = native java.util.List where
native add :: Mutable s (JList a) -> a -> ST s ()
native get :: Mutable s (JList a) -> Int -> ST s (Maybe a)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
native unsafeGet get :: Mutable s (JList a) -> Int -> ST s a
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException --might return null
native set :: Mutable s (JList a) -> Int -> a -> ST s a
native size :: Mutable s (JList a) -> ST s Int
native isEmpty :: Mutable s (JList a) -> ST s Bool
native iterator :: Mutable s (JList a) -> STMutable s (Iterator a)
toList :: Mutable s (JList a) -> ST s [a]
toList xs = do
itr <- xs.iterator
let loop acc = do
hasNext <- itr.hasNext
if hasNext
then do
next <-
loop (next:acc)
else return (reverse acc)
loop []
data ArrayList a = native java.util.ArrayList where
native new :: () -> STMutable s (ArrayList a)
| Mutable s (Collection a) -> STMutable s (ArrayList a)
fromList :: [a] -> STMutable s (ArrayList a)
fromList xs = do
jlist <- ()
let loop [] = return jlist
loop (x:xs) = jlist.add x >> loop xs
loop xs
native swap java.util.Collections.swap ::Mutable s (JList a) -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
main _ = println $ qsort [2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 8, 6]
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