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Created June 4, 2023 21:45
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Scrapes discussions from WordPress forum and export the URLs to CSV files
This script scrapes discussions from the Yoast SEO plugin's public forum on
WordPress ( The script
fetches discussion titles and URLs from all available pages.
The script also features lazy loading by adding a delay between requests. This
helps ensure responsible web scraping by not overwhelming the server.
The fetched URLs are then saved to multiple CSV files, each containing a
specified number of URLs (default is 500). The CSV files are saved in the 'dist/'
directory without any headers.
To display the progress of fetching discussions, a progress bar is shown using
the tqdm library.
Libraries used in this script:
- requests
- BeautifulSoup (bs4)
- pandas
- tqdm
- time
- os
import os
import time
import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tqdm import tqdm
base_url = ""
page_url_template = "{}/"
def get_last_page_number():
response = requests.get(base_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
page_links ="")
last_page_link = page_links[-2].get("href") # Second last element
return int(last_page_link.split("/")[-2])
def get_discussions_from_page(page_number):
page_url = page_url_template.format(page_number)
response = requests.get(page_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
discussions = []
for discussion in"ul.topic li.bbp-topic-title"):
title = discussion.select_one("a.bbp-topic-permalink").text
url = discussion.select_one("a.bbp-topic-permalink").get("href")
discussions.append({"title": title, "url": url})
time.sleep(1) # Add a delay of 1 second between requests for lazy loading
return discussions
def scrape_all_discussions():
last_page_number = get_last_page_number()
all_discussions = []
for page_number in tqdm(range(1, last_page_number + 1), desc="Scraping pages"):
discussions = get_discussions_from_page(page_number)
return all_discussions
def save_urls_to_csvs_with_pandas(urls, urls_per_file=800):
df = pd.DataFrame(urls)
url_count = len(df)
for i in range(0, url_count, urls_per_file):
chunk = df.iloc[i : i + urls_per_file]
file_name = f"wp_forum_sitemap_urls_chunk_{(i // urls_per_file) + 1}.csv"
chunk.to_csv(f"dist/{file_name}", columns=["url"], index=False, header=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.makedirs("dist", exist_ok=True)
discussions = scrape_all_discussions()
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