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Last active September 25, 2015 19:38
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Pro Linux System Administration
=users and groups
# add user into 'admin' group, only users in 'admin' group can use 'sudo'
sudo usermod -G admin username
# useradd defaults
# check to what groups user belongs to
id username
# ubuntu
adduser, addgroup
# change password
# set password expirations for 30 days
sudo chage -M 30 ataylor
# disable user
sudo usermod ­-­-expiredate 1
# copy contents of the folder to another folder
sudo cp -R * /var/lib/tomcat6/lib/
# login as another user
su {username}
#check who is listening on particular port
netstat -lnp | grep :80
# make vpn connection last long
sudo vpnc --dpd-idle 0
# find all files modified 90 min ago
find . -mmin -90
# find all files in particular directory by some extension
# and add execution permission for all users for those files
find ./application/default/cmd/ -name "*.php" | xargs chmod a+x
# imitate slow connection, i.e. 2 sec delay between each pocket sent
sudo tc qdisc change dev eth0 root netem delay 2000ms
# edit crontab with vim
env EDITOR=vim crontab -e
# check which files are opened by particular process
/usr/sbin/lsof -p 9537
# scan local network
nmap -sP
# restore MySQL database from raw backup
cp -R /old_file_system/var/lib/mysql/* /var/lib/mysql
# rsync from remote through ssh
rsync -avz -e ssh remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir /this/dir/
## single file
rsync -chavzP --stats /file/path.json
# get total occupied disk space by the directory
du -ch /path/to/directory | grep total
# inspect disk usage
df -h
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