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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Save mmirz719/dd7fff2990fa41c9f833 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# look, it's art. okay? it's art about how functional programming in Python is sometimes ugly
# it just so happens this art has a terrible worst-case complexity.
from itertools import chain, izip_longest, product, permutations
import operator
import sys
operators = (operator.add, operator.sub, operator.mul, operator.truediv)
operator.add: "+",
operator.sub: "-",
operator.mul: "*",
operator.truediv: "/"
class NoSolutionException(Exception): pass # let's be civilized here
def solve(operands, solvand):
for opchoice in product(operators, repeat=(len(operands) - 1)):
# wasn't sure if order of operands is meant to matter, so I'll increase
# the worst-case complexity a bit.
# I mean, it wasn't a fast solution to start with ...
for permutation in permutations(operands):
_opchoice = list(opchoice)
if reduce(lambda x, y: _opchoice.pop(0)(x, y), permutation) == solvand: # :)
return (permutation, opchoice)
raise NoSolutionException()
if __name__ == '__main__':
operands = [int(token) for token in' ')]
solvand = operands.pop(-1)
permutation, opchoice = solve(operands, solvand)
# this next bit is my favorite <3
print "solution: {} = {}".format(" ".join(chain(*izip_longest(map(str, permutation),
map(READABLE_OPERATORS.get, opchoice), fillvalue=''))),
except NoSolutionException:
print "Invalid"
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