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Created January 23, 2010 11:31
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snippet sel
snippet imp
#import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>
snippet Imp
#import "${1}}"
snippet log
abbr NSLog(...)
snippet cl
abbr Class
@interface ${1} : ${2:NSObject}
@implementation ${1}
- (id)init
if((self = [super init]))
return self;
snippet cli
abbr ClassInterface
@interface ${1} : ${2:NSObject}
snippet clm
abbr ClassImplementation
@implementation ${1:object}
- (id)init
if((self = [super init]))
return self;
snippet cat
abbr Category
@interface ${1:NSObject} (${2:Category})
@implementation ${1} (${2})
snippet cati
abbr CategoryInterface
@interface ${1:NSObject)} (${2:Category)})
snippet array
NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutableArray array];
snippet dict
NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
snippet bez
NSBezierPath *${1:path} = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
snippet m
abbr Method
- (${1:id})${2:method}${3:(id)}${4:anArgument}
return nil;
snippet M
abbr Method
- (${1:id})${2:method}${3:(id)}${4:anArgument};
snippet cm
abbr ClassMethod
+ (${1:id})${2:method}${3:(id)}${4:anArgument}
return nil;
snippet icm
abbr InterfaceClassMethod
+ (${1:id})${0:method};
snippet sm
abbr SubMethod
- (${1:id})${2:method}${3:(id)}${4:anArgument}
${1} res = [super ${2:method}]
return res;
snippet mi
abbr MethodInitialize
+ (void)initialize
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
${0}@"value", @"key",
snippet obj
- (${1:id})${2:thing}
return ${2};
- (void)set${2}:(${1})aValue
${0}${1}old${2} = ${2};
${2} = [aValue retain];
[old${2} release];
snippet iobj
- (${1:id})${2:thing};
- (void)set${2}:(${1})aValue;
snippet str
- (NSString${$1: *)})${1:thing}
return ${2};
- (void)set${1}:(NSString${2: *})${3}
${3} = [${3} copy];
[${2} release];
${2} = ${3};
snippet istr
- (NSString${1: *)}${1:thing};
- (void)set${1}:(NSString${2: *})${2};
snippet cd
abbr CoreData
- (${1:id})${2:attribute}
[self willAccessValueForKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
${1:id} value = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
[self didAccessValueForKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
return value;
- (void)set${2}:(${1})aValue
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
[self setPrimitiveValue:aValue forKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"${2: attribute}"];
snippet karray
abbr KVCArry
- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject
[${3}} addObject:anObject];
- (void)insertObject:(${2})anObject in${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
[${3} insertObject:anObject atIndex:i];
- (${2})objectIn${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
return [${3} objectAtIndex:i];
- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn${1}:(${2})anObject
return [${3} indexOfObject:anObject];
- (void)removeObjectFrom${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
[${3} removeObjectAtIndex:i];
- (unsigned int)countOf${1}
return [${3} count];
- (NSArray${4: *}${1}
return ${3}
- (void)set${1}:(NSArray${4: *})new${1}
[${3} setArray:new${1}];
snippet iarray
abbr InterfaceAccessorsForKVCArray
- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject;
- (void)insertObject:(${2})anObject in${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
- (${2})objectIn${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn${1}:(${2})anObject;
- (void)removeObjectFrom${1}AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
- (unsigned int)countOf${1};
- (NSArray${3: *})${1};
- (void)set${1}:(NSArray${3: *})new${1};
snippet acc
abbr PrimitiveType
- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing}
return ${3};
- (void)set${2}:(${1:unsigned int})new${2}
${3} = new${2};
snippet iacc
abbr Interface:AccessorsForPrimitiveType
- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing};
- (void)set${2}:($1)new${2};
snippet rdef
abbr ReadDefaultsValue
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:${1:key}];
snippet wdef
abbr WriteDefaultsValue
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:${1:object} forKey:${2:key}];
snippet ibo
abbr IBOutlet
IBOutlet ${1}${2: *}${3};
snippet syn
@synthesize ${1:property};
snippet bind
bind:@"${2:binding}" toObject:${3:observableController} withKeyPath:@"${4:keyPath}" options:${5:nil}
snippet reg
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:${1:self} selector:@selector(${3}) name:${2:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification} object:${4:nil}];
snippet focus
[self lockFocus];
[self unlockFocus];
snippet forarray
unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
for(unsigned int index = 0; index < ${1}Count; index += 1)
${3:id} ${1} = [${2} objectAtIndex:index];
snippet alert
int choice = NSRunAlertPanel(@"${1:Something important!}", @"${2:Something important just happend, and now I need to ask you, do you want to continue?}", @"${3:Continue}", @"${4:Cancel}", nil);
if(choice == NSAlertDefaultReturn) // "${3:Continue}"
else if(choice == NSAlertAlternateReturn) // "${4:Cancel}"
snippet res
${1} Send ${2} to ${1}, if ${1} supports it}${3}
if ([${1:self} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:someSelector:})])
[${1} ${3}];
snippet del
if([${1:[self delegate]} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:selfDidSomething:})])
[${1} ${3}];
snippet format
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"${1}", ${2}]${0}
snippet save
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
snippet thread
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(${1:method}:) toTarget:${2:aTarget} withObject:${3:anArgument}]
snippet pool
NSAutoreleasePool${TM_C_POINTER: *}pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
[pool drain];
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