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Created April 3, 2013 16:04
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augroup ColorColumn
augroup END
function! s:startChangeCC()
autocmd ColorColumn CursorMoved * call s:changeColorColumn()
autocmd ColorColumn CursorMovedI * call s:changeColorColumn()
function! s:endChangeCC()
augroup ColorColumn
augroup END
setl cc=0
function! s:changeColorColumn()
let width = winwidth(0)
let match_end = matchend(reltimestr(reltime()), '\d\+\.') + 1
let rand = reltimestr(reltime())[match_end : ] % (width + 1)
exe "setl cc=".rand
command! StartChangeCC call s:startChangeCC()
command! EndChangeCC call s:endChangeCC()
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