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Created June 6, 2017 17:07
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from math import sqrt, floor
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as metric
k-means clustering algorithm
def initialize(ds, k):
Create random cluster centroids
ds: ndarray
Dataset to cluster instances from
k: int
The number of clusters
centroids as numpy ndarray
# Number of columns in dataset
n = np.shape(ds)[1]
# The centroids
centroids = np.mat(np.zeros((k,n)))
# Create random centroids
for j in range(n):
min_j = min(ds[:,j])
range_j = float(max(ds[:,j]) - min_j)
centroids[:,j] = min_j + range_j * np.random.rand(k, 1)
# Return centroids as numpy array
return centroids
def euclidean_dist(A, B):
Calculate Euclidean distance between 2 n-dimension points
A: ndarray
vector of point coordinates to compare
B: ndarray
vector of point coordinates to compare
calculated Euclidean distance of the 2 vectors
return metric.euclidean(A, B)
def cluster(ds, k):
The k-means clustering algorithm
ds: ndarray
Dataset to cluster instances from
k: int
The number of clusters
Resulting centroids after clustering
Cluster assignments after clustering
Number of iterations required by clustering algorithm
Original centroids
# Number of rows in dataset
m = np.shape(ds)[0]
# Hold the instance cluster assignments
cluster_assignments = np.mat(np.zeros((m, 2)))
# Initialize centroids
cents = initialize(ds, k)
# Preserve original centroids
cents_orig = cents.copy()
changed = True
num_iter = 0
# Loop until no changes to cluster assignments
while changed:
changed = False
# For every instance (row in dataset)
for i in range(m):
# Track minimum distance, and vector index of associated cluster
min_dist = np.inf
min_index = -1
# Calculate distances
for j in range(k):
dist_ji = euclidean_dist(cents[j,:], ds[i,:])
if dist_ji < min_dist:
min_dist = dist_ji
min_index = j
# Check if cluster assignment of instance has changed
if cluster_assignments[i, 0] != min_index:
changed = True
# Assign instance to appropriate cluster
cluster_assignments[i, :] = min_index, min_dist**2
# Update centroid location
for cent in range(k):
points = ds[np.nonzero(cluster_assignments[:,0].A==cent)[0]]
cents[cent,:] = np.mean(points, axis=0)
# Count iterations
num_iter += 1
# Return important stuff when done
return cents, cluster_assignments, num_iter, cents_orig
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