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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Using knewter/erlang-serial
iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = Ser.start("/dev/ttyAMA0", 115_200)
{:ok, #PID<0.97.0>}
iex(2)> send(pid, {:send, "ohai"})
Received serial data: ohai
{:send, "ohai"}
iex(3)> send(pid, {:send, "ohai"})
{:send, "ohai"}
Received serial data: ohai
iex(4)> send(pid, {:send, "ohai u GUYZ!"})
{:send, "ohai u GUYZ!"}
Received serial data: ohai u G
Received serial data: UYZ!
iex(5)> send(pid, {:send, "ohai u GUYZ! WAT IN THE WORLD"})
{:send, "ohai u GUYZ! WAT IN THE WORLD"}
Received serial data: ohai u G
Received serial data: UYZ! WAT
Received serial data: IN THE
Received serial data: WORLD
iex(6)> send(pid, {:send, "Jurassic World is going to be ASUM SOS"})
{:send, "Jurassic World is going to be ASUM SOS"}
Received serial data: Jurassic
Received serial data: World i
Received serial data: s going
Received serial data: to be AS
Received serial data: UM SOS
defmodule Ser do
def start(device_string, baud_rate) do
pid = spawn(Ser, :init, [self(), device_string, baud_rate])
{:ok, pid}
def init(initiator, device_string, baud_rate) do
device = :serial.start([speed: baud_rate, open: :erlang.bitstring_to_list(device_string)])
defp loop(device) do
receive do
{:data, data} ->
IO.puts "Received serial data: #{data}"
{:send, data} ->
send(device, {:send, data})
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