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Created March 30, 2024 14:49
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PIPX-like tool for conda
cx install black
cx install black -p 3.11
cx install git+
[ ] Implement `inject`
[ ] Implement `run`
import subprocess
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="can be a URL or a package name",
choices=["install", "inject", "run"],
parser.add_argument("dep", help="can be a URL or a package name")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pyver", help="python version to use", default="3.11")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="Force", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
dep = args.dep
pyver = args.pyver
force = args.force
cmd = args.cmd
verbose = args.verbose
# extract vname from dep
vname = dep.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
# define variables
VENV = Path(f"~/.cx/venvs/{vname}").expanduser()
BIN = Path(f"~/.cx/venvs/{vname}/bin").expanduser()
PIP = Path(f"{BIN}/pip").expanduser()
if verbose:
print(f"{VENV = }")
print(f"{BIN = }")
print(f"{PIP = }")
if cmd != "install":
raise NotImplementedError
# create venv
venv_cmd = f"conda create -p {VENV} python={pyver} -y -q > /dev/null"
if verbose:
print(f"{venv_cmd = }"), shell=True)
pre_binaries = set(BIN.glob("*"))
# install dep
pip_cmd = f"{PIP} install -q {dep}"
if verbose:
print(f"{pip_cmd = }"), shell=True)
post_binaries = set(BIN.glob("*"))
# find new binaries
new_binaries = post_binaries - pre_binaries
# create symlink in ~/.local/bin
f = "-f" if force else ""
for p in new_binaries:
link_cmd = f"ln {f} -s {p} ~/.local/bin"
if verbose:
print(f"{link_cmd = }"), shell=True)
# vim: tw=0
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