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Last active March 27, 2024 10:54
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(ql:quickload '(:cl-who :clog :cl-markdown))
(defpackage :clog-learn
(:use :cl :clog #:clog-gui)
(:import-from :cl-who :with-html-output
:with-html-output-to-string :htm :str :fmt)
(:export :start))
(in-package :clog-learn)
;; Utilities
;; html
(defvar *html*)
(defmacro html* (&body body)
`(who:with-html-output (*html*)
(defmacro html (&body body)
`(who:with-html-output-to-string (*html*)
;; declarative gui spec
(defmacro with-gui (obj spec &body body)
(let ((let-bindings ())
(used-bindings ()))
(labels ((create-from-spec (spec parent-binding)
(destructuring-bind (gui-func-name args &body children)
(let* ((gui-func-args (alexandria:remove-from-plist args :bind))
(bind (getf args :bind))
(binding (or bind (gensym)))
(create-func-name (intern (concatenate 'string "CREATE-" (symbol-name gui-func-name)))))
(push `(,binding (,create-func-name ,parent-binding ,@gui-func-args)) let-bindings)
(when (or bind children)
(push binding used-bindings))
(dolist (child-spec children)
(create-from-spec child-spec binding))))))
(create-from-spec spec obj)
`(let* ,(reverse let-bindings)
(declare (ignore ,@(set-difference (mapcar #'first let-bindings) used-bindings)))
;; arrows
(defmacro -> (first &rest rest)
(let ((binding (gensym)))
`(let ((,binding ,first))
,@(loop for r in rest
collect (list* (first r)
(rest r))))))
(defmethod element-value ((obj clog-obj))
(clog-connection:query (clog::connection-id obj)
(format nil "$('#~A').val()" (html-id obj))))
;;; Demostrate a virtual desktop using CLOG GUI
(defun on-file-count (obj)
(let ((win (create-gui-window obj :title "Count")))
(dotimes (n 100)
;; window-content is the root element for the clog-gui
;; windows
(create-div (window-content win) :content n))))
(defun browse-in-window (obj title url)
(let ((win (create-gui-window obj :title title)))
(create-child (window-content win)
(html (:iframe :style "width:100%;height:97%;"
:src url)))))
(defun about-common-lisp (obj)
(browse-in-window obj "About Common Lisp" ""))
(defun open-clog-manual (obj)
(browse-in-window obj "CLOG manual" ""))
(defun open-markdown-in-window (obj title markdown-file)
(let ((win (create-gui-window obj :title title))
(html (with-output-to-string (s)
(cl-markdown:markdown markdown-file :stream s))))
(create-div (window-content win) :content html)))
(defun open-learn-clog-window (obj)
;;(browse-in-window obj "Learn CLOG" "")
(open-markdown-in-window obj "Learn CLOG" (asdf:system-relative-pathname :clog "")))
(defun open-readme-window (obj)
(open-markdown-in-window obj "README" (asdf:system-relative-pathname :clog "")))
(defun open-clog-concept-window (obj)
(open-markdown-in-window obj "CONCEPT" (asdf:system-relative-pathname :clog "")))
(defun on-file-drawing (obj)
(let* ((win (create-gui-window obj :title "Drawing"))
(canvas (create-canvas (window-content win) :width 600 :height 400))
(cx (create-context2d canvas)))
(set-border canvas :thin :solid :black)
(fill-style cx :green)
(fill-rect cx 10 10 150 100)
(fill-style cx :blue)
(font-style cx "bold 24px serif")
(fill-text cx "Hello World" 10 150)
(fill-style cx :red)
(begin-path cx)
(ellipse cx 200 200 50 7 0.78 0 6.29)
(path-stroke cx)
(path-fill cx)))
(defun on-file-movies (obj)
(let* ((win (create-gui-window obj :title "Movie"))
(movie (create-video (window-content win)
:source "")))
(set-geometry movie :units "%" :width 100 :height 100)))
(defun on-file-pinned (obj)
(let ((win (create-gui-window obj :title "Pin me!"
:has-pinner t
:keep-on-top t
:top 200
:left 0
:width 200
:height 200)))
(create-div win :content "I can be pinned. Just click the pin on window bar.")))
(defun on-dlg-alert (obj)
(alert-dialog obj "This is a modal alert box"))
(defun on-dlg-confirm (obj)
(confirm-dialog obj "Shall we play a game?"
(lambda (input)
(if input
(alert-dialog obj "How about Global Thermonuclear War.")
(alert-dialog obj "You are no fun!")))
:ok-text "Yes" :cancel-text "No"))
(defun on-dlg-input (obj)
(input-dialog obj "Would you like to play a game?"
(lambda (input)
(alert-dialog obj input))))
(defun on-dlg-file (obj)
(server-file-dialog obj "Server files" "./" (lambda (fname)
(alert-dialog obj fname))))
(defun on-dlg-form (obj)
(form-dialog obj "Please enter your information."
'(("Title" "title" :select (("Mr." "mr")
("Mrs." "mrs" :selected)
("Ms." "ms")
("Other" "other")))
("Eye Color" "color" :radio (("Blue" "blue")
("Brown" "brown")
("Green" "green" :checked)
("Other" "other")))
("Send Mail" "send-mail" :checkbox t)
("Name" "name" :text "Real Name")
("Address" "address")
("City" "city")
("State" "st")
("Zip" "zip")
("E-Mail" "email" :email))
(lambda (results)
(alert-dialog obj results))
:height 550))
(defun on-toast-alert (obj)
(alert-toast obj "Stop!" "To get rid of me, click the X. I have no time-out"))
(defun on-toast-warn (obj)
(alert-toast obj "Warning!" "To get rid of me, click the X. I time-out in 5 seconds"
:color-class "w3-yellow" :time-out 5))
(defun on-toast-success (obj)
(alert-toast obj "Success!" "To get rid of me, click the X. I time-out in 2 seconds"
:color-class "w3-green" :time-out 2))
(defun on-help-about (obj)
(let* ((about (create-gui-window obj
:title "About"
:content "<div class='w3-black'>
<center><img src='/img/clogwicon.png'></center>
<center>The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI</center></div>
<div><p><center>CLOG Learning Center</center>
<center>(c) 2021 - David Botton</center></p></div>"
:hidden t
:width 200
:height 215)))
(window-center about)
(setf (visiblep about) t)
(set-on-window-can-size about (lambda (obj)
(declare (ignore obj))()))))
;; tutorials browser
(defparameter *tutorials*
'(("01-demo.lisp" "CLOG-DEMO-1::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Demo 01 - Sparkey the Snake Game" "Sparkey the Snake Game")
("02-demo.lisp" "CLOG-DEMO-2::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Demo 02 - Chat" "Private instant messenger")
("03-demo.lisp" "CLOG-DEMO-3::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Demo 03 - IDE" "A very simple common lisp IDE (see source if editor dosen't load)")
("01-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-1::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 01 - Hello world" "Hello world tutorial")
("02-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-2::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 02 - Closures in CLOG" "Closures in CLOG")
("03-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-3::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 03 - Events fire in parallel"
"Running this version of the last tutorial and clicking quickly on the (click me!) will demonstrate an important aspect of CLOG, events can happen in _parallel_.")
("04-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-4::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 04 - Event target" "The event target, reusing event handlers")
("05-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-5::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 05 - Connection data item" "Connection data item")
("06-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-6::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 06 - Tasking and events" "Tasking and events")
("07-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-7::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 07 - First video game" "First video game")
("08-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-8::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 08 - Mice love containers" "Mice love containers")
("09-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-9::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 09 - Tabs, panels and forms" "Tabs, panels and forms")
("10-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-10::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 10 - Canvas" "Canvas")
("11-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-11::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 11 - Attaching to existing HTML" "Attaching to existing HTML")
("15-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-15::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 15 - Multi-media" "Multi-media")
("18-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-18::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 18 - Drag and drop" "Drag and drop demonstration")
("20-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-20::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 20 - CLOG Plugin" "Toggler CLOG Plugin")
("21-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-21::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 21 - Drop list" "In this tutorial we will create a Common Lisp CLOG version of the plugin from the previous two tutorials.")
("22-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-22::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 22 - Desktop demo" "Demonstration of a CLOG desktop using CLOG-GUI")
("23-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-23::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 23 - Semaphores"
"This is a simple demo using semaphores to wait for user input ask demonstrates the mechanics in general and the modal dialog example show a more practical example.")
("24-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-24::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 24 - CLOG-WEB and Mobile"
"In this tutorial we use clog-web to create a dynamic modern mobile compatible web page using various clog-web containers.")
("25-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-25::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 25 - Local app"
"In this tutorial we are going to use clog-web for a local app.")
("26-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-26::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 26 - Website" "In this tutorial we are going to use clog-web for a website.")
("27-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-27::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 27 - Panel box layout" "This tutorial demonstrates the panel box layout method")
("29-tutorial.lisp" "CLOG-TUT-29::ON-NEW-WINDOW" "Tutorial 29 - Presentations and JQuery" "Demonstrate CLOG-presentations and CLOG-jQuery")
(defun create-tutorials-select (obj)
(let ((sel (create-select obj)))
(dolist (tutorial *tutorials*)
(create-option sel
:value (first tutorial)
:content (third tutorial)))
(setf (attribute sel "size") "10")
(defun find-tutorial-file (filename)
((search "tutorial" filename)
(or (probe-file (asdf:system-relative-pathname :clog
(format nil "tutorial/~a" filename)))
(error "Tutorial not found: ~s" filename)))
((search "demo" filename)
(or (probe-file (asdf:system-relative-pathname :clog
(format nil "demos/~a" filename)))
(error "Demo not found: ~s" filename)))
(t (error "Tutorial not found: ~s" filename))))
(defun run-clog-tutorial (tutorial obj)
(load (find-tutorial-file (first tutorial)))
(clog:set-on-new-window (read-from-string (second tutorial))
:path (format nil "/tutorials/~a" (first tutorial)))
(browse-in-window obj (first tutorial) (format nil "" (first tutorial))))
(defun show-tutorial-source (tutorial obj)
(let* ((tutorial-file (find-tutorial-file (first tutorial)))
(wnd (create-gui-window obj :title (third tutorial)))
(btn (create-button (window-content wnd) :content "Run" :class "w3-button w3-teal"))
(pre (create-child (window-content wnd) (html (:pre)))))
(setf (text pre)
(alexandria:read-file-into-string tutorial-file))
(clog::set-style btn "position" "fixed")
(clog::set-style pre "margin-top" "50px")
(set-on-click btn (lambda (o)
(declare (ignore o))
(run-clog-tutorial tutorial obj)))))
(defun open-tutorials-window (obj)
(let* ((wnd (create-gui-window obj :title "Tutorials"))
(div (create-div (window-content wnd) :class "w3-container w3-cell"))
(sel (create-tutorials-select div))
(content1 (create-div (window-content wnd) :class "w3-container w3-cell"))
(set-on-change sel (lambda (obj)
(declare (ignore obj))
(let ((tutorial (find (element-value sel) *tutorials* :key #'first :test 'string=)))
(setf (text content) (fourth tutorial)))))
(-> (create-button content1 :content "Run" :class "w3-button w3-teal")
(set-on-click (lambda (o)
(declare (ignore o))
(let ((tutorial (find (element-value sel) *tutorials* :key #'first :test 'string=)))
(run-clog-tutorial tutorial obj)))))
(-> (create-button content1 :content "Source" :class "w3-button w3-khaki")
(set-on-click (lambda (obj) (let ((tutorial (find (element-value sel) *tutorials* :key #'first :test 'string=)))
(show-tutorial-source tutorial obj)))))
(setf content (create-div content1))))
(defun on-new-window (body)
(setf (title (html-document body)) "Learn CLOG")
;; For web oriented apps consider using the :client-movement option.
;; See clog-gui-initialize documentation.
(clog-gui-initialize body)
(add-class body "w3-cyan")
(with-gui body
(gui-menu-bar ()
(gui-menu-icon (:on-click 'on-help-about))
(gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Open")
(gui-menu-item (:content "Tutorials" :on-click 'open-tutorials-window))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Count" :on-click 'on-file-count))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Drawing" :on-click 'on-file-drawing)))
(gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Window")
(gui-menu-item (:content "Maximize All" :on-click 'maximize-all-windows))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Normalize All" :on-click 'normalize-all-windows))
(gui-menu-window-select ()))
(gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Dialogs")
(gui-menu-item (:content "Alert Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-alert))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Input Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-input))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Confirm Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-confirm))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Form Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-form))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Server File Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-file)))
(gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Toasts")
(gui-menu-item (:content "Alert Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-alert))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Warning Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-warn))
(gui-menu-item (:content "Success Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-success)))
(gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Help")
(gui-menu-item (:content "About" :on-click 'on-help-about))
(gui-menu-item (:content "About Common Lisp" :on-click 'about-common-lisp))
(gui-menu-item (:content "CLOG manual" :on-click 'open-clog-manual))
(gui-menu-item (:content "README" :on-click 'open-readme-window))
(gui-menu-item (:content "LEARN" :on-click 'open-learn-clog-window))
(gui-menu-item (:content "CONCEPT" :on-click 'open-clog-concept-window)))
(gui-menu-full-screen ())))
(set-on-before-unload (window body) (lambda(obj)
(declare (ignore obj))
;; return empty string to prevent nav off page
(open-learn-clog-window body)
(open-clog-manual body)
(open-tutorials-window body)
(open-readme-window body))
(defun start ()
"Start desktop."
(initialize 'on-new-window)
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aykaramba commented Jun 9, 2022

Hi. I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for providing all of the examples. This really helps.

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mmontone commented Jun 9, 2022

Thanks for having a look. Makes me glad this is useful for somebody.

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