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test of multiprocessing with python to stream temporally coherent batches
from __future__ import print_function
import glob
import sys
import time
import multiprocessing as mp, numpy as np, random
from prophesee_utils.td_video import ChronoVideo
import prophesee_utils.td_processing as tdp
import prophesee_utils.vis_utils as vis
import cv2
from numba import njit as jit
def histogram2d(xypt, histo, max_val=1, shift=0, reset=True):
accumulates spikes
:param xypt:
:param histo:
:param shift: spatial resolution
:param reset:
if reset:
histo[...] = 0
increment = 1.0 / max_val
for i in range(xypt.shape[0]):
x, y, p = xypt['x'][i] >> shift, xypt['y'][i] >> shift, xypt['p'][i]
histo[p, y, x] = min(histo[p, y, x] + increment, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = '/mnt/hdd1/detection_dataset10/train/'
files = glob.glob(path + '*_td.dat')
batchsize = 8
num_threads = 4
num_videos = 4
num_videos_per_thread = batchsize/num_threads
delta_t = 10000
max_q_size = 4
readyQs = [mp.Queue(maxsize=max_q_size) for i in range(num_videos)]
array_dim = (2, 240, 320)
batch = np.zeros((num_videos, array_dim[0], array_dim[1], array_dim[2]), dtype=np.float32)
def frame_stream(i, m, n, files, shape):
video_num = 0
video = ChronoVideo(files[0])
im = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
q = readyQs[i]
j = 0
print('Queue Size: ', len(n))
while 1:
reset = video.done
if video.done:
video_num = (video_num+1)%len(files)
video = ChronoVideo(files[video_num])
events = video.load_delta_t(delta_t)
histogram2d(events, n[j], max_val=8)
q.put((j, reset))
j = (j+1)%max_q_size
array_dim2 = (max_q_size, 2, 240, 320)
# Create tuples of (multiprocessing.Array, numpy.ndarray) referencing the same underlying buffers
m_arrays = (mp.Array('f', int(, lock=mp.Lock()) for _ in range(num_videos))
arrays = [(m, np.frombuffer(m.get_obj(), dtype='f').reshape(array_dim2)) for m in m_arrays]
size = len(files)/num_videos
grouped_files = [files[i*size:(i+1)*size] for i in range(num_videos)]
procs = [mp.Process(target=frame_stream, args=(i, m, n, f, array_dim)) for i, ((m, n), f) in enumerate(zip(arrays, grouped_files))]
[p.start() for p in procs]
print('Start Streaming')
for _ in range(10000):
start = time.time()
for i in range(num_videos):
j, reset = readyQs[i].get()
if reset:
print(i, ' was reset')
m, arr = arrays[i]
batch[i] = arr[j]
runtime = float(time.time()-start)
sys.stdout.write('\rtime: %f' % (runtime))
#display batch!
for i in range(num_videos):
im = vis.count_image(batch[i], max_value=1)
cv2.imshow('img#'+str(i), im)
[p.terminate() for p in procs]
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