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Created January 27, 2013 15:28
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Jan 11, 2013
@author: Mourad Mourafiq
About: This is an attempt to solve the Quora challenge Feed Optimizer.
import itertools
import copy
import math
from random import choice, random
class Story(object):
Story object
@type _cpt: int
@param _cpt: counts the number of instance created.
@type _height: int
@param _height: The stroy's height.
@type _time: int
@param _time: The time of publication.
@type _id: int
@param _id: The story's id.
@type _score: int
@param _score: The story's score.
@type _height: int
@param _height: The stroy's height.
@type _proportioned_score: float
@param _proportioned_score: The stroy's _score proportioned to height.
__cpt = 0
def __init__(self, time=-1, score=-1, height=-1):
self._id = Story.__cpt
self._time = time
self._score = score
self._height = height
self._proportioned_score = float(score)/height
Story.__cpt += 1
def __repr__(self):
return "id: %s, time: %s" % (self._id, self._time)
def __gt__(self, story):
if(self._proportioned_score > story._proportioned_score):
return True
if(self._proportioned_score < story._proportioned_score):
return False
if(self._id < story._id):
return True
return False
def _better_score(self, story):
if(self._score > story._score):
return True
if(self._score < story._score):
return False
if(self._id < story._id):
return True
return False
class Solution(object):
Potential solution for the upcoming reload
@type _stories: list
@param _stories: The list of potential items.
@type _len_stories : int
@param _len_stories: The length of the list of stories.
@type _score: int
@param _score: The current solution's score.
@type _height: int
@param _height: The current solution's height.
def __init__(self):
self._stories = []
self._len_stories = 0
self._score = 0
self._height = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "%s %s %s" % (self._score, self._len_stories, ' '.join(sorted([str(story._id) for story in self._stories])))
def __gt__(self, solution):
#check who's score is better
if self._score > solution._score:
return True
if self._score < solution._score:
return False
#same score; check who has less stories
if self._len_stories < solution._len_stories:
return True
if self._len_stories > solution._len_stories:
return False
#same score, same number of stories; check who has smaller lexicographically
if sorted([story._id for story in self._stories]) <= sorted([story._id for story in solution._stories]):
return True
return False
def clone(cls, solution):
clone_solution = cls()
clone_solution._stories = copy.copy(solution._stories)
clone_solution._len_stories = solution._len_stories
clone_solution._score = solution._score
clone_solution._height = solution._height
return clone_solution
def add(self, story):
add story to the solution
self._score += story._score
self._height += story._height
self._len_stories += 1
def remove(self, story):
remove story from the solution
self._score -= story._score
self._height -= story._height
self._len_stories -= 1
class Optimizer(object):
Keep track of stories that can potentially make a solution.
The stories should be sorted by time of publication.
@type _stories: list
@param stories: The list of stories that can potentially make a solution.
@type _len_stories : int
@param _len_stories: The length of the list of stories.
@type __height: int
@param window: The height of the browser.
@type __window: int
@param window: The window of recent stories.
@type _best_story: Stroy
@param _best_story: The best story so far.
__height = 0
__window = 0
def __init__(self, window, height):
self._stories = []
self._len_stories = 0
Optimizer.__window = window
Optimizer.__height = height
self._best_story = Story()
def _purge_old_stories(self, current_time):
remove old stories form the current list of stories
#check if the oldest stories can still be part of the solution
to_be_removed = []
for old_story in self._stories:
if (current_time - old_story._time) <= Optimizer.__window :
for old_story in to_be_removed:
self._len_stories -= 1
def _brute_force(self):
check all possibilities:
1) best solution for combination of 2 stories (if it exists).
2) best solution for combination of 3 stories (if it exists).
l-1) best solution for combination of l-1 stories (if it exists).
l : being the length of the current stories.
best_solution = Solution()
for i in xrange(2, self._len_stories+1):
for tuple_stories in itertools.combinations(self._stories, i):
if self.addable(tuple_stories):
current_solution = Solution()
for story in tuple_stories:
if current_solution > best_solution:
best_solution = current_solution
return best_solution
def _annealing_simulated(self, T=1000.0,cool=0.35):
perform the annealing simulated algorithm:
1) start with a random solution.
2) move to a neighbour solution.
(favors better solutions, and accepts worst solutions with a certain probabilities
to avoid local minimum until the temperature is totally down)
#order stories based on their proportioned score
ordered_stories = sorted(self._stories, reverse=True)
#produce a random solution
current_solution, stories_in_current = self.random_solution(ordered_stories, self._len_stories)
best_solution = Solution.clone(current_solution)
temp_solution = Solution.clone(current_solution)
stories_in_temp = copy.copy(stories_in_current)
stories_at_true = [i for i in xrange(self._len_stories) if stories_in_temp[i]]
#check if there is still stories
if len(stories_at_true) == self._len_stories:
#choose a story and remove it
if stories_at_true:
indice = choice(stories_at_true)
stories_in_temp[indice] = False
indice = -1
#add any number of other stories available
for i in xrange(indice+1, self._len_stories):
if stories_in_temp[i]:
story = ordered_stories[i]
if self.addable((story,), temp_solution):
stories_in_temp[i] = True
elif temp_solution._height == self.__height:
#compare temp and current solutions
if temp_solution > current_solution:
current_solution = temp_solution
stories_in_current = stories_in_temp
#also since temp is better than current, compare it to best
if current_solution > best_solution:
best_solution = Solution.clone(current_solution)
#current solution is better than temp
#the algorithm states that we can still give it a try depending on a probability
#since temp solution score is < current solution score
#this probability will be near one at the beginning where T is high
#but will get lower and lower as T cool down
#hence will accept less and less bad solution
p = pow(math.e,float(temp_solution._score - current_solution._score)/T)
if p > random():
current_solution = temp_solution
stories_in_current = stories_in_temp
#decrease the temperature
return best_solution
def add(self, story):
#check if the story's height is within the browser's height
if story._height <= Optimizer.__height:
self._len_stories += 1
if (story > self._best_story):
self._best_story = story
def produce_solution(self, current_time, solution=BRUTE_FORCE):
if solution == BRUTE_FORCE:
return self._brute_force()
elif solution == ANNEALING_SIMULATED:
return self._annealing_simulated()
def addable(cls, tuple_stories, solution=Solution()):
total_height = solution._height
for story in tuple_stories:
total_height += story._height
if total_height <= cls.__height:
return True
return False
def random_solution(cls, list_stories, length_stories):
produce a random solution
stories_in = [False]*length_stories
solution = Solution()
for i in xrange(length_stories):
story = list_stories[i]
if cls.addable((story,), solution):
stories_in[i] = True
elif solution._height == cls.__height:
return solution, stories_in
N, W, H = [int(x) for x in raw_input().split()]
p = Optimizer(W, H)
command = raw_input().split()
if command[0] == "S": #story
t, s, h = [int(x) for x in command[1:]]
p.add(Story(t, s, h))
elif command[0] == "R": #Reload
tr = int(command[1])
print p.produce_solution(tr, solution=ANNEALING_SIMULATED)
N -= 1
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