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simple standalone C headers for PCG random number generator
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64 6364136223846793005ULL
#define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_64 1442695040888963407ULL
typedef struct {
uint64_t state;
} pcg32;
static inline uint32_t pcg32_next(pcg32* rng)
uint64_t state = rng->state;
uint32_t value = (uint32_t)((state ^ (state >> 18)) >> 27);
int rot = state >> 59;
return rot ? (value >> rot) | (value << (32 - rot)) : value;
static inline uint64_t pcg32_next64(pcg32* rng)
uint64_t value = pcg32_next(rng);
value <<= 32;
value |= pcg32_next(rng);
return value;
// returns value in [low; high) interval
static inline uint32_t pcg32_range(pcg32* rng, uint32_t low, uint32_t high)
uint32_t bound = high - low;
uint32_t threshold = -(int32_t)bound % bound;
for (;;)
uint32_t r = pcg32_next(rng);
if (r >= threshold)
return low + (r % bound);
// returns float & double in [0; 1) interval
static inline float pcg32_nextf(pcg32* rng)
uint32_t x = pcg32_next(rng);
return (float)(int32_t)(x >> 8) * 0x1.0p-24f;
static inline double pcg32_nextd(pcg32* rng)
uint64_t x = pcg32_next64(rng);
return (double)(int64_t)(x >> 11) * 0x1.0p-53;
static inline void pcg32_seed(pcg32* rng, uint64_t seed)
rng->state = 0ULL;
rng->state += seed;
static inline void pcg32_advance(pcg32* rng, uint64_t delta)
uint64_t cur_mult = PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64;
uint64_t cur_plus = PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_64;
uint64_t acc_mult = 1;
uint64_t acc_plus = 0;
while (delta != 0)
if (delta & 1)
acc_mult *= cur_mult;
acc_plus = acc_plus * cur_mult + cur_plus;
cur_plus = (cur_mult + 1) * cur_plus;
cur_mult *= cur_mult;
delta >>= 1;
rng->state = acc_mult * rng->state + acc_plus;
#include <stdint.h>
// NOTE: you should use this on 64-bit architectures only. While it will work fine on
// 32-bit too, it will be slower there. You should use this only if you need to have
// 128-bit state. If all you need is 64-bit random, use pcg32_next64 from pcg32.h
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
typedef unsigned __int128 pcg64_uint128;
#define PCG64_INIT(a, b) (((pcg64_uint128)(a)) << 64) + (b)
#define PCG64_IS_ZERO(r) ((r) == (pcg64_uint128)0)
#define PCG64_ZERO(r) (r) = (pcg64_uint128)0
#define PCG64_COPY(r, x) (r) = (x)
#define PCG64_LOW(r) (uint64_t)(r)
#define PCG64_HIGH(r) (uint64_t)((r) >> 64)
#define PCG64_SHR(r, c) (r) >>= (c)
#define PCG64_ADD(r, x) (r) += (x)
#define PCG64_MUL(r, x) (r) *= (x)
#define PCG64_MUL2(r, a, b) (r) = (pcg64_uint128)(a) * (b)
typedef uint64_t pcg64_uint128[2];
#define PCG64_INIT(a, b) { (b), (a) }
#define PCG64_IS_ZERO(r) ((r)[0] == 0 && (r)[1] == 0)
#define PCG64_ZERO(r) (r)[0] = (r)[1] = 0
#define PCG64_COPY(r, x) (r)[0] = (x)[0], (r)[1] = (x)[1]
#define PCG64_LOW(r) (r)[0]
#define PCG64_HIGH(r) (r)[1]
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
#include <intrin.h>
#define PCG64_SHR(r, c) (r)[0] = __shiftright128((r)[0], (r)[1], (c)), (r)[1] >>= (c)
#define PCG64_ADD(r, x) _addcarry_u64(_addcarry_u64(0, (r)[0], (x)[0], &(r)[0]), (r)[1], (x)[1], &(r)[1])
#define PCG64_MUL(r, x) \
{ \
uint64_t _temp = (r)[0] * (x)[1] + (r)[1] * (x)[0]; \
(r)[0] = _umul128((r)[0], (x)[0], &(r)[1]); \
(r)[1] += _temp; \
#define PCG64_MUL2(r, a, b) (r)[0] = _umul128((a), (b), &(r)[1])
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64)
#include <intrin.h>
#define PCG64_SHR(r, c) (r)[0] = (((r)[0] >> (c)) | ((r)[1] << (64 - (c)))), (r)[1] >>= (c)
#define PCG64_ADD(r, x) (r)[0] += (x)[0], (r)[1] += (x)[1] + ((r)[0] < (x)[0])
#define PCG64_MUL(r, x) \
{ \
(r)[1] = __umulh((r)[0], (x)[0]) + (r)[0] * (x)[1] + (r)[1] * (x)[0]; \
(r)[0] *= (x)[0]; \
#define PCG64_MUL2(r, a, b) \
{ \
(r)[0] = (a) * (b); \
(r)[1] = __umulh((a), (b)); \
#define PCG64_SHR(r, c) (r)[0] = (((r)[0] >> (c)) | ((r)[1] << (64 - (c)))), (r)[1] >>= (c)
#define PCG64_ADD(r, x) (r)[0] += (x)[0], (r)[1] += (x)[1] + ((r)[0] < (x)[0])
#define PCG64_MUL(r, x) \
{ \
uint64_t _a = (r)[0]; \
uint64_t _b = (x)[0]; \
uint64_t _ll = (_a & 0xFFFFFFFF) * (_b & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
uint64_t _hl = (_a >> 32) * (_b & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
uint64_t _lh = (_a & 0xFFFFFFFF) * (_b >> 32); \
uint64_t _hh = (_a >> 32) * (_b >> 32); \
uint64_t _mid = (_ll >> 32) + (_hl & 0xFFFFFFFF) + _lh; \
uint64_t _top = (_hl >> 32) + (_mid >> 32) + _hh; \
(r)[1] = _a * (x)[1] + (r)[1] * _b + _top; \
(r)[0] = (_mid << 32) | (_ll & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
#define PCG64_MUL2(r, a, b) \
{ \
uint64_t _a = (a); \
uint64_t _b = (b); \
uint64_t _ll = (_a & 0xFFFFFFFF) * (_b & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
uint64_t _hl = (_a >> 32) * (_b & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
uint64_t _lh = (_a & 0xFFFFFFFF) * (_b >> 32); \
uint64_t _hh = (_a >> 32) * (_b >> 32); \
uint64_t _mid = (_ll >> 32) + (_hl & 0xFFFFFFFF) + _lh; \
uint64_t _top = (_hl >> 32) + (_mid >> 32) + _hh; \
(r)[0] = (_mid << 32) | (_ll & 0xFFFFFFFF); \
(r)[1] = _top; \
#if defined(__clang__)
#define PCG64_ROR(r, c) __builtin_rotateright64((r), (c))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_ARM64))
#define PCG64_ROR(r, c) _rotr64((r), (c))
#define PCG64_ROR(r, c) ((c) ? (((r) >> (c)) | (r) << (64 - (c))) : (r))
#define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_H 2549297995355413924ULL
#define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_L 4865540595714422341ULL
#define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_H 6364136223846793005ULL
#define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_L 1442695040888963407ULL
typedef struct {
pcg64_uint128 state;
} pcg64;
static inline uint64_t pcg64_next(pcg64* rng)
pcg64_uint128 state_mul = PCG64_INIT( PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_H, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_L );
pcg64_uint128 state_add = PCG64_INIT( PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_H, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_L );
pcg64_uint128 state;
PCG64_COPY(state, rng->state);
PCG64_MUL(state, state_mul);
PCG64_ADD(state, state_add);
PCG64_COPY(rng->state, state);
uint64_t value = PCG64_HIGH(state) ^ PCG64_LOW(state);
int rot = PCG64_HIGH(state) >> 58;
return PCG64_ROR(value, rot);
// returns value in [low; high) interval
static inline uint64_t pcg64_range(pcg64* rng, uint64_t low, uint64_t high)
uint64_t bound = high - low;
#if 1
// An optimal algorithm for bounded random integers:
pcg64_uint128 r1, r2;
PCG64_MUL2(r1, pcg64_next(rng), bound);
PCG64_MUL2(r2, pcg64_next(rng), bound);
pcg64_uint128 t2 = PCG64_INIT( 0, PCG64_LOW(r1) );
pcg64_uint128 r2h = PCG64_INIT( 0, PCG64_HIGH(r2) );
PCG64_ADD(t2, r2h);
return low + PCG64_HIGH(r1) + PCG64_HIGH(t2);
// Fast Random Integer Generation in an Interval:
pcg64_uint128 m;
PCG64_MUL2(m, pcg64_next(rng), bound);
uint64_t l = PCG64_LOW(m);
if (l < bound)
uint64_t t = -(int64_t)bound % bound;
while (l < t)
PCG64_MUL2(m, pcg64_next(rng), bound);
l = PCG64_LOW(m);
return low + PCG64_HIGH(m);
// returns float & double in [0; 1) interval
static inline float pcg64_nextf(pcg64* rng)
uint64_t x = pcg64_next(rng);
return (float)(int32_t)(x >> 40) * 0x1.0p-24f;
static inline double pcg64_nextd(pcg64* rng)
uint64_t x = pcg64_next(rng);
return (double)(int64_t)(x >> 11) * 0x1.0p-53;
static inline void pcg64_seed(pcg64* rng, uint64_t seed_high, uint64_t seed_low)
pcg64_uint128 seed = PCG64_INIT( seed_high, seed_low );
PCG64_ADD(rng->state, seed);
static inline void pcg64_advance(pcg64* rng, uint64_t delta_high, uint64_t delta_low)
pcg64_uint128 cur_mult = PCG64_INIT( PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_H, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128_L );
pcg64_uint128 cur_plus = PCG64_INIT( PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_H, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128_L );
pcg64_uint128 acc_mult = PCG64_INIT( 0ULL, 1ULL );
pcg64_uint128 acc_plus = PCG64_INIT( 0ULL, 0ULL );
pcg64_uint128 delta = PCG64_INIT( delta_high, delta_low );
while (!PCG64_IS_ZERO(delta))
if (PCG64_LOW(delta) & 1)
PCG64_MUL(acc_mult, cur_mult);
PCG64_MUL(acc_plus, cur_mult);
PCG64_ADD(acc_plus, cur_plus);
pcg64_uint128 temp;
PCG64_COPY(temp, cur_plus);
PCG64_MUL(cur_plus, cur_mult);
PCG64_ADD(cur_plus, temp);
PCG64_MUL(cur_mult, cur_mult);
PCG64_SHR(delta, 1);
PCG64_MUL(rng->state, acc_mult);
PCG64_ADD(rng->state, acc_plus);
#undef PCG64_INIT
#undef PCG64_IS_ZERO
#undef PCG64_ZERO
#undef PCG64_COPY
#undef PCG64_LOW
#undef PCG64_HIGH
#undef PCG64_SHR
#undef PCG64_ADD
#undef PCG64_MUL
#undef PCG64_MUL2
#undef PCG64_ROR
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dundarious commented Jun 27, 2023

Is this the DXSM variant of pcg64? It's in the pcg-cpp repo, but also, Tony Finch has a nice page about it: Forgive me for being lazy and not inspecting myself.

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See line 112

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I see, XSL-RR. Thank you.

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