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Created January 27, 2021 04:36
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#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <hidsdi.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// PlayStation DualShock4 and DualSense controller input through Windows raw input
#define PS_BUTTON_S 0x000010
#define PS_BUTTON_X 0x000020
#define PS_BUTTON_O 0x000040
#define PS_BUTTON_T 0x000080
#define PS_BUTTON_L1 0x000100
#define PS_BUTTON_R1 0x000200
#define PS_BUTTON_L2 0x000400
#define PS_BUTTON_R2 0x000800
#define PS_BUTTON_SHARE 0x001000
#define PS_BUTTON_OPTIONS 0x002000
#define PS_BUTTON_L3 0x004000
#define PS_BUTTON_R3 0x008000
#define PS_BUTTON_PS 0x010000
#define PS_BUTTON_TPAD 0x020000 // click on touchpad
#define PS_BUTTON_MUTE 0x040000 // only on DualSense
#define PS_DPAD_UP 0x01000000
#define PS_DPAD_DOWN 0x02000000
#define PS_DPAD_RIGHT 0x04000000
#define PS_DPAD_LEFT 0x08000000
typedef struct {
bool active;
uint8_t id;
uint16_t x; // [0..1920)
uint16_t y; // [0..944) for DualShock4, [0..1080) for DualSense
} ps_touch;
typedef struct {
bool wired;
bool dualsense;
uint64_t serial; // only bytes 0..5
uint64_t timestamp; // microseconds
int8_t left[2];
int8_t right[2];
uint8_t l2;
uint8_t r2;
uint32_t buttons;
int16_t gyro[3];
int16_t accel[3];
bool charging;
uint8_t battery; // 0..100 %
ps_touch touch[2];
} ps_state;
typedef struct {
uint8_t left_rumble; // 0 = off, 255 = max
uint8_t right_rumble; // 0 = off, 255 = max
uint8_t color[3]; // { R, G, B }
// items below are DualSense only
bool mic_led;
uint8_t player_led; // 0=off, 1..5=on
} ps_output;
// initialize raw input
static bool ps_init(HWND window);
// call on WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE message
// returns > 0 = index for connected gamepad
// returns < 0 = -index for disconnected gamepad
// otherwise returns 0 (api error, or not a DS4/DS controller)
static int ps_update(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// call on WM_INPUT message
// returns > 0 = index which gamepad was updated
// otherwise returns 0 if this message is not for DS4/DS controller
static int ps_input(LPARAM lparam);
// gets current coontroller state, call any time after ps_input
// returned pointer is stable, does not change
static const ps_state* ps_get(int index);
// sets vibration/leds/color
// do not call this very often (like on each input packet)
// calling this once a frame or something like every 10msec is OK
static void ps_set(int index, const ps_output* out);
// feel free to set this define to any number you want
#define PS_MAX_DEVICES 16
typedef struct {
HANDLE file;
bool connected;
uint32_t tsc_prev;
uint64_t tsc;
ps_state state;
} ps_handle;
// [0] is never used
static ps_handle ps_handles[PS_MAX_DEVICES + 1];
bool ps_init(HWND window)
ZeroMemory(ps_handles, sizeof(ps_handles));
rid.hwndTarget = window;
return !!RegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid));
int ps_update(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
HANDLE raw = (HANDLE)lparam;
if (wparam == GIDC_ARRIVAL)
ps_handle* handle = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= PS_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
if (ps_handles[i].raw == NULL)
handle = ps_handles + i;
if (handle == NULL)
// too many devices connected, ignore this one
return 0;
ZeroMemory(handle, sizeof(*handle));
RID_DEVICE_INFO info = { 0 };
UINT info_size = sizeof(info);
if (GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(raw, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &info, &info_size) < 0)
// can not get info about device
return 0;
uint32_t vid = info.hid.dwVendorId;
uint32_t pid = info.hid.dwProductId;
if (vid == 0x054c && pid == 0x05c4)
// DualShock4
else if (vid == 0x054c && pid == 0x0ce6)
// DualSense
// not supported
return 0;
UINT name_size = sizeof(name);
if (GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(raw, RIDI_DEVICENAME, &name, &name_size) > 0)
if (handle->file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
handle->state.dualsense = pid == 0x0ce6;
if (handle->state.dualsense)
BYTE s[64];
s[0] = 9;
if (HidD_GetFeature(handle->file, s, sizeof(s))) // it also enables 0x31 reports for BT connection
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
handle->state.serial |= (uint64_t)s[i + 1] << (i * 8);
WCHAR ws[64];
if (HidD_GetSerialNumberString(handle->file, ws, sizeof(ws))) // this works for BT connection
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
char hex[2] = { (char)ws[i], 0 };
handle->state.serial |= strtoll(hex, NULL, 16) << ((11 - i) * 4);
BYTE s[16];
s[0] = 18;
if (HidD_GetFeature(handle->file, s, sizeof(s))) // this works for USB connection
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
handle->state.serial |= (uint64_t)s[i + 1] << (i * 8);
int index = (int)(handle - ps_handles);
if (handle->state.serial != 0)
// check that device with same serial is not already connected
// this will happen if you do BT connection with controller that
// is also connected to same PC with USB
for (int other = 1; other <= PS_MAX_DEVICES; other++)
if (other != index && ps_handles[other].raw != NULL)
if (ps_handles[other].state.serial == handle->state.serial)
// same device found;
return 0;
handle->raw = raw;
return index;
else if (wparam == GIDC_REMOVAL)
ps_handle* handle = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= PS_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
if (ps_handles[i].raw == raw)
handle = ps_handles + i;
if (handle != NULL)
handle->raw = NULL;
return -(int)(handle - ps_handles);
return 0;
int ps_input(LPARAM lparam)
HRAWINPUT input = (HRAWINPUT)lparam;
UINT input_size;
if (GetRawInputData(input, RID_INPUT, NULL, &input_size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == (UINT)-1)
return 0;
RAWINPUT* input_data = (RAWINPUT*)_alloca(input_size);
if (GetRawInputData(input, RID_INPUT, input_data, &input_size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == (UINT)-1)
return 0;
ps_handle* handle = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= PS_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
if (ps_handles[i].raw == input_data->header.hDevice)
handle = ps_handles + i;
if (handle == NULL)
return 0;
ps_state* state = &handle->state;
const BYTE* data = input_data->data.hid.bRawData;
DWORD size = input_data->data.hid.dwSizeHid;
if (size < 64)
return 0;
if (data[0] == 0x01) // DualShock4 or DualSense wired
state->wired = true;
data += 1;
size -= 1;
else if (data[0] == 0x11) // DualShock4 BT
state->wired = false;
data += 3;
size -= 3;
else if (data[0] == 0x31) // DualSense BT
state->wired = false;
data += 2;
size -= 2;
// unknown format
return 0;
state->left[0] = data[0] - 128;
state->left[1] = data[1] - 128;
state->right[0] = data[2] - 128;
state->right[1] = data[3] - 128;
uint8_t battery;
bool dualsense = state->dualsense;
if (dualsense)
state->l2 = data[4];
state->r2 = data[5];
const BYTE* buttons = data + 7;
state->buttons = buttons[0] | (buttons[1] << 8) | ((buttons[2] & 0xf) << 16);
const BYTE* gyro = data + 15;
state->gyro[0] = gyro[0] | (gyro[1] << 8);
state->gyro[1] = gyro[2] | (gyro[3] << 8);
state->gyro[2] = gyro[4] | (gyro[5] << 8);
const BYTE* accel = data + 21;
state->accel[0] = accel[0] | (accel[1] << 8);
state->accel[1] = accel[2] | (accel[3] << 8);
state->accel[2] = accel[4] | (accel[5] << 8);
battery = data[52];
uint32_t tsc = data[27] | (data[28] << 8) | (data[29] << 16) | (data[30] << 24);
if (handle->tsc == 0)
handle->tsc = tsc;
uint64_t delta;
if (handle->tsc_prev > tsc)
delta = (1ULL<<32) + tsc - handle->tsc_prev;
delta = tsc - handle->tsc_prev;
handle->tsc += delta;
state->timestamp = handle->tsc / 3;
handle->tsc_prev = tsc;
const BYTE* buttons = data + 4;
state->buttons = buttons[0] | (buttons[1] << 8) | ((buttons[2] & 0x3) << 16);
state->l2 = data[7];
state->r2 = data[8];
const BYTE* gyro = data + 12;
state->gyro[0] = gyro[0] | (gyro[1] << 8);
state->gyro[1] = gyro[2] | (gyro[3] << 8);
state->gyro[2] = gyro[4] | (gyro[5] << 8);
const BYTE* accel = data + 18;
state->accel[0] = accel[0] | (accel[1] << 8);
state->accel[1] = accel[2] | (accel[3] << 8);
state->accel[2] = accel[4] | (accel[5] << 8);
battery = data[29];
uint32_t tsc = data[9] | (data[10] << 8);
if (handle->tsc == 0)
handle->tsc = tsc;
uint32_t delta;
if (handle->tsc_prev > tsc)
delta = (1ULL<<16) + tsc - handle->tsc_prev;
delta = tsc - handle->tsc_prev;
handle->tsc += delta;
state->timestamp = (handle->tsc * 1000) / 188;
handle->tsc_prev = tsc;
state->charging = ((battery >> 4) & 1) != 0;
battery = battery & 0xf;
state->battery = (battery > 9) ? 100 : (uint8_t)(battery * 10 + 5);
static const uint32_t dpad_values[] = {
uint32_t dpad = state->buttons & 0xf;
if (dpad < 8)
state->buttons |= dpad_values[dpad];
const BYTE* touch_data = data + (dualsense ? 31 : 33);
for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++)
ps_touch* t = state->touch + n;
t->active = (touch_data[1] & 0x80) == 0;
t->id = touch_data[1] & 0x7f;
t->x = touch_data[2] | ((touch_data[3] & 0xf) << 8);
t->y = (touch_data[3] >> 4) | (touch_data[4] << 4);
touch_data += dualsense ? 4 : 5;
return (int)(handle - ps_handles);
const ps_state* ps_get(int index)
return ps_handles[index].raw ? &ps_handles[index].state : NULL;
// faster way would be to use lookup table
static DWORD ps_crc32(const BYTE* data, DWORD size, DWORD initial)
DWORD r = ~initial;
for (DWORD i=0; i<size; i++)
r ^= *data++;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
r = (r >> 1) ^ (r & 1 ? 0xedb88320 : 0);
return ~r;
void ps_set(int index, const ps_output* out)
if (ps_handles[index].raw == NULL)
ps_handle* handle = ps_handles + index;
uint8_t data[78] = { 0 };
uint32_t size;
if (handle->state.dualsense)
int offset;
if (handle->state.wired)
data[0] = 0x02;
offset = 1;
size = 48;
data[0] = 0x31;
data[1] = 0x02;
offset = 2;
size = 74;
data[offset + 0] = 0x03;
data[offset + 1] = 0x15;
data[offset + 2] = out->right_rumble;
data[offset + 3] = out->left_rumble;
data[offset + 8] = (out->mic_led ? 1 : 0);
data[offset + 38] = 2;
data[offset + 41] = 2;
data[offset + 44] = out->color[0];
data[offset + 45] = out->color[1];
data[offset + 46] = out->color[2];
if (out->player_led >= 1 && out->player_led <= 5)
data[offset + 43] = 1 << (out->player_led - 1);
data[offset + 43] |= 0x20;
int offset;
if (handle->state.wired)
data[0] = 0x05;
data[1] = 0x0f;
offset = 4;
size = 32;
data[0] = 0x11;
data[1] = 0xc4;
data[3] = 0x03;
offset = 6;
size = 74;
data[offset + 0] = out->right_rumble;
data[offset + 1] = out->left_rumble;
data[offset + 2] = out->color[0];
data[offset + 3] = out->color[1];
data[offset + 4] = out->color[2];
if (!handle->state.wired)
BYTE header = 0xa2;
DWORD crc = ps_crc32(&header, 1, 0);
crc = ps_crc32(data, size, crc);
CopyMemory(data + size, &crc, sizeof(crc));
size += sizeof(crc);
// TODO: this can be turned into nonblocking/async write with OVERLAPPED
DWORD written;
WriteFile(handle->file, data, size, &written, NULL);
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