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Created December 14, 2011 17:40
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Denver R User Group Lightning Talk on non-**ply functions in the plyr package
# This file is a brief exploration of the non-**ply functions in the
# plyr package. It was presented (poorly) for a lightning talk, so not all of
# the functions are as thoroughly explored and documented as I'd normally like -
# but this should at least get you started.
# The Incantation
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Load plyr
# Ordering a data.frame
# base way
mtcars.ord <- mtcars[order(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$disp), ]
# plyr way
mtcars.arr <- arrange(mtcars, cyl, disp)
# Key caveat: arrange() drops the rownames.
mtcars.ord == mtcars.arr
all(mtcars.ord == mtcars.arr)
identical(mtcars.ord, mtcars.arr)
# But nice advantage: saner descending order
mtcars.dro <- mtcars[order(mtcars$cyl, -xtfrm(mtcars$disp)), ]
mtcars.rra <- arrange(mtcars, cyl, desc(disp))
all(mtcars.dro == mtcars.rra)
# Let's take a closer look at desc()
data.frame(orig = 0:9, down = desc(0:9))
data.frame(orig = letters, down = desc(letters))
# Operating on columns
# base way
apply(mtcars, 2, mean)
# plyr way
cmean <- colwise(mean)
apply(mtcars, 2, mean) == cmean(mtcars)
# Not much difference in the basic application - but colwise takes a second
# argument that lets you specify criteria for the columns that should be
# included. Let's add some character vectors to mtcars and see what happens
mpcars <- mtcars
mpcars$foo <- sample(LETTERS, size = nrow(mpcars), replace = TRUE)
mpcars$bar <- sample(letters, size = nrow(mpcars), replace = TRUE)
apply(mpcars, 2, mean)
cmean.num <- colwise(mean, .cols = is.numeric)
cmean.num(mpcars) == cmean(mtcars)
# There are actually two plyr functions for the common numeric- and
# discrete-column cases:
cmean.num2 <- numcolwise(mean)
cmean.num(mpcars) == cmean.num2(mpcars)
maxchar <- catcolwise(max)
# Counting unique combinations
# ddply() ways
# The way I used to do it
ddply(mpcars, .var = .(cyl, gear), nrow)
# The way I do it now
ddply(mpcars, .var = .(cyl, gear), summarize, freq = length(mpg))
# count() way
count(mpcars, vars = .(cyl, gear))
# If the records are weighted - let's say by horsepower
ddply(mpcars, .var = .(cyl, gear), summarize, freq = sum(hp))
count(mpcars, vars = .(cyl, gear), wt_var = .(hp))
# Other notes I can't get into here:
# Competitive with table() for speed
# Only counts combinations that occur in the data
# (unlike ddply(..., .drop = FALSE)
# Preserves variable type of identifiers (i.e., cyl and gear)
# Need to test speed vs. ddply+summarize
# Compute new variables for a data.frame
# base way
disp_per_cyl = disp / cyl,
hp_per_cyl = hp / cyl)
# plyr way
disp_per_cyl = disp / cyl,
hp_per_cyl = hp / cyl)
# But what about computations that depend on computations from the same
# transform/mutate?
hp_per_cyl = hp / cyl,
hp_per_cyl_per_1klb = hp_per_cyl / wt)
hp_per_cyl = hp / cyl,
hp_per_cyl_per_1klb = hp_per_cyl / wt)
# Rename stuff
# base way
names(mpcars)[names(mpcars) %in% "disp"] <- "displ"
names(mpcars)[names(mpcars) %in% "vs"] <- "vroomvroom"
# plyr way (restoring names this time)
mpcars <- rename(mpcars, c("displ" = "disp", "vroomvroom" = "vs"))
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