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Created February 8, 2016 18:08
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Snippet for lagging within groups (or applying any other transformFunc) using RRE
# This is an example of how to apply the lagging function from this
# StackOverflow answer:
# to grouped data. In short:
# 1. Use rxSplit() to put each group in its own XDF file
# 2. Use lapply() to iterate over the list of XDF files
# Pick a sample dataset
xdfPath <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "DJIAdaily.xdf")
# Take a quick look at the dataset
rxGetInfo(xdfPath, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 10)
# Set up a temporary directory for the files
demoDir <- tempdir()
djiaSplit <- rxSplit(inData = xdfPath,
outFilesBase = file.path(demoDir, "DJIA"),
splitByFactor = "DayOfWeek")
# Check to see that the files have been created
# The djiaSplit object created contains that information, too.
# It's a list...
# ... of RxXdfData objects (see ?RxXdfData)
# Since I have a list of the XDF files now, I can use lapply to iterate over each
lapply(djiaSplit, FUN = function(xdf) {
# Sorting is just an extension of that pattern
lapply(djiaSplit, FUN = function(xdf) {
rxSort(inData = xdf,
outFile = xdf,
sortByVars = "Date",
overwrite = TRUE)
# Here's the function, straight from the StackOverflow post
lagVar <- function(dataList) {
if(.rxStartRow == 1) {
dataList[[newName]] <- c(NA, dataList[[varToLag]][-.rxNumRows])
} else {
dataList[[newName]] <- c(.rxGet("lastValue"),
.rxSet("lastValue", dataList[[varToLag]][.rxNumRows])
# Now I'll apply the lagging function in the same way - I'll just wrap it with lapply()
lapply(djiaSplit, FUN = function(xdf) {
rxDataStep(inData = xdf,
outFile = xdf,
transformObjects = list(
varToLag = "Open",
newName = "previousOpen"),
transformFunc = lagVar,
# append = "cols",
overwrite = TRUE)
# Check the results
lapply(djiaSplit, FUN = function(xdf) {
varsToKeep = c("Date", "Open", "previousOpen"),
numRows = 10)
# Finally, if you want to recombine into a single XDF:
# Create a new XDF pointer
djiaFull <- tempfile(tmpdir = demoDir, fileext = ".xdf")
lapply(djiaSplit, FUN = function(xdf) {
rxImport(inData = xdf,
outFile = djiaFull,
# append needs to be TRUE for the first file, FALSE for the other six:
append = file.exists(djiaFull))
# Check the results
rxGetInfo(djiaFull, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 10)
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