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Created August 31, 2020 02:49
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# Get the list of files to work on
files_to_process <- list.files('r:/shared documents/',
pattern = 'html',
full.names = TRUE)
# Iterate over each file
extracted_tables <- lapply(files_to_process, FUN = function(this_file) {
print(paste("Extracting data from", this_file))
# Delete the "Software Inventory" multi-column header
this_file_parsed <- readLines(this_file) %>%
.[!grepl(x = ., pattern = "Software Inventory")] %>%
paste(collapse = "") %>%
# Extract data
software_inventory <- this_file_parsed %>%
html_node("#softwareInventory") %>%
html_table(header = TRUE)
machine_info <- this_file_parsed %>%
html_node("#machineInfo") %>%
html_table(header = TRUE)
report_datetime <- this_file_parsed %>%
html_node("#dateTime") %>%
# Add software inventory
software_inventory$machine_name <- machine_info$machine_name
software_inventory$login_name <- machine_info$login_name
software_inventory$report_datetime <- report_datetime
# Write out with the name of the HTML file
output_path <- sub(x = basename(this_file), pattern = ".html", replacement = ".csv")
print(paste("Writing extracted data to", output_path))
write.csv(renamed_table, file = output_path)
# Quick check of the first few rows to make sure every table is looking good
lapply(extracted_tables, head)
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