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Created October 12, 2018 17:46
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delete old ecr images
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# this script will delete ECR images that are older than N days
require 'date'
require 'json'
# customize this script
repo = 'passport'
delete_if_older_than = 180 # days
# get the list of all images
json_output = `aws ecr describe-images --repository-name #{repo} --output json --region us-west-2`
images = JSON.parse(json_output)['imageDetails']
# find the images to delete
images_to_delete = []
images.each do |i|
date_pushed = DateTime.strptime(i['imagePushedAt'].to_s,'%s')
age_in_days = ( - date_pushed).to_i
if age_in_days > delete_if_older_than
#puts "#{i['imageDigest']} #{age_in_days}"
images_to_delete << i
# sanity check
puts "There are #{images.size} total"
puts "There are #{images_to_delete.size} images that will be deleted."
require 'pp'
#pp images_to_delete
puts "Is that okay?"
input = STDIN.gets.strip
exit 5 unless input =~ /^y/i
# actually delete the images
# AWS has a limit of 100 images in a batch
images_to_delete.each_slice(100) do |batch|
image_ids ={|i| "imageDigest=#{i['imageDigest']}"}.join(' ')
puts `aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name #{repo} --image-ids #{image_ids} --region us-west-2`
puts "Done!"
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