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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- This is required in HTML5 -->
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xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc=""
<!-- For EPUB parsing/validation python should only care about data-* attributes.
Other attributes are for discoverability and compatibility with . -->
<!-- This validates as HTML5 using the [W3C valiator]( as of its
first checkin and Feb 18, 2014 1:05p -->
<head itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<title>Momentum</title> <!-- Note that title is required in the head element
in HTML5. Copy the itemprop="name" element from the body on save. -->
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<!-- When editing, copy all <meta> tags in the head section into the body in <div data-type="head-metadata". -->
<meta data-type="langugage" itemprop="inLanguage" content="en" />
<!-- These are for discoverability of accessible content. -->
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="MathML" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="LaTeX" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="captions" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="structuredNavigation" />
<!-- These are autogenerated system values -->
<meta itemprop="dateCreated" content="2013-10-08" />
<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2014-01-08" />
<!-- ******************************************* -->
Why there are three different descriptors on some elements
@class is used strictly for styling and placement of information. In some cases the
class may be used to supress display of information. For instance, the summary of a
section of a book could be distracting when reading the whole book and might be
@itemprop is used to conform to external metadata standards, like and Dublin Core.
@data-type is used to make processing of elements easier within particular systems, like the
oerpub editor, and the Connexions publishing system.
<!-- This is the metadata block -->
<div data-type="metadata" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="">
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<!-- Copied from head when editing within Aloha in order to allow metadata editing within
Aloha editor. Move back to the head on save. Meta elements are definitely allowed in the
body of the content if they use "itemprop". -->
<meta data-type="langugage" itemprop="inLanguage" content="en" />
<!-- These are for discoverability of accessible content. -->
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="MathML" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="LaTeX" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="captions" />
<meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="structuredNavigation" />
<!-- These are autogenerated system values -->
<meta itemprop="dateCreated" content="2013-10-08" />
<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2014-01-08" />
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<!-- Comma separated itemprops validate, but this microdata draft suggest that space separation
is what should be used: (search for
"favorite-fruit") -->
<!-- For modules in the editor, the metadata is encapsulated in a div with data-type="metadata"
so that it can be treated specially. We will hide all the metadata except for the title for now.
In order to do this in an accessible way, it is important that the styles be explicitly set to
visibility:hidden or display:none so that screen readers do not read the content that sighted
readers are not seeing. I took this advice from -->
<h1 data-type="title" itemprop="name">Momentum</h1>
<div class="contributors">
<div class="authors">By:
<!-- How about using a url to specify author ids in the systems where the content is published?
See below. -->
<span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" data-type="author" itemprop="author">
<a data-type="github-id" itemprop="url" href="">Mark Horner</a></span> and
<span itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" data-type="author" itemprop="author">
<a data-type="openstax-id" itemprop="url" href="">Sarah Blyth</a>
<div class="editors">Edited by: <span data-type="editor" itemprop="editor">I. M. Picky</span></div>
<div class="illustrators">Illustrated by: <span data-type="illustrator" itemprop="illustrator">Francis Hablar
<!-- doesn't have translator. Rather than really contorting to try and use something l
ike marc:relators, for now, just use our own data-type, and use the more generic "contributor" from -->
<div class="translators">Translated by: <span data-type="translator" itemprop="contributor">Francis Hablar</span></div>
<div class="publishers">Published by:
<span data-type="publisher" itemprop="publisher">Siyavula</span>
<div class="derived-from">Based on:
<a data-type="based-on" itemprop="isBasedOnURL" href="">Physics for Highschool</a>
<a itemprop="url" content="" data-type="cnx-archive-uri" />
<a itemprop="url" content="" data-type="cnx-authoring-uri" />
<a itemprop="url" content="" data-type="github-uri" />
<div class="permissions">
<div class="copyright">Copyright:
<span data-type="copyright-holder" itemprop="copyrightHolder">Siyavula</span>
<div class="license">Licensed:
<!-- Using RDFA to encode license information, because doesn't support.
Need to include this namespace as attributes on the <html> element:
xmlns:rdf="" -->
<a data-type="license" rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License</a>
<div class="keywords">Keywords: <span data-type="keyword" itemprop="keywords">Physics</span>,
<span data-type="keyword" itemprop="keywords">Momentum</span>
<div class="subject">Subject: <span data-type="subject" itemprop="about">Science and Mathematics</span></div>
<div data-type="description" itemprop="description" class="description"><p class="summary">
Summary: Covers momentum of objects in motion. </p>
<!-- This is the actual content in the module. The math causes three warnings in the validator. It
doesn't like the mo's with empty comments in them.-->
<h1>Introduction to Momentum</h1>
<p>Momentum is a physical quantity which is closely related to forces. Momentum is
a property which applies to moving objects, in fact it is mass in motion. If something
has mass and it is moving then it has momentum.</p>
<dl class="definition">
<p>The linear momentum of a particle (object) is a vector quantity equal to the
product of the mass of the particle (object) and its velocity.</p>
<p>The momentum (symbol <math xmlns="">
<semantics><mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"><mover><mi>p</mi><mo>⃗<!-- ⃗ --></mo></mover></mrow>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">\vec{p}</annotation></semantics></math>) of an object of mass
<math xmlns=""><semantics>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">m</annotation></semantics></math>
moving at velocity <math xmlns=""><semantics>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">v</annotation></semantics></math> is:</p>
<math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow>
<mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD">
<mo>⃗<!-- ⃗ --></mo>
<mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD">
<mo>⃗<!-- ⃗ --></mo>
</mrow><annotation encoding="math/tex">\vec{p}=m\vec{v}</annotation></semantics></math>
<div class="note" data-type="tip"><span class="title"></span><p>A vector multiplied by a scalar has
the same direction as the original vector but a magnitude that is scaled by the multiplicative
<div class="exercise" data-class="worked_example" data-type="Worked Example">
<div class="problem" data-class="question" id="24613811-ca0e-4407-3315-b22ec8010427">
<p>A soccer ball of mass <math xmlns=""><semantics><mtext>420</mtext>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">\text{420}</annotation></semantics></math>~
<math xmlns=""><semantics><mtext>g</mtext>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">\text{g}</annotation></semantics></math>
is kicked at <math xmlns=""><semantics>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">\text{20}</annotation></semantics></math>~
<math xmlns=""><semantics><mtext>m·s^{-1}</mtext>
<annotation encoding="math/tex">\text{m·s^{-1}}</annotation></semantics></math>
towards the goal post. Calculate the momentum of the ball.</p>
<figure class="figure" title="">
<div class="title"></div>
<img width="390" alt="" draggable="false" src="../resources/SoccerLadyKicking-by-KM_Klemencic-on-Flickr-7892058384_0892ae36c9_k.jpg"/>
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