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Forked from jlebar/reorder-patch
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Re-order the files in a patch according to a set of rules.
Input is accepted on stdin, and written to stdout.
Usage: cat patch | reorder-patch > reordered-patch
import sys
import os
import re
def splitdiff(f):
"""Split a file containing a diff into pieces, one per file.
We always return a patch header as the first piece; if the given patch does
not have a header, we return the empty string.
lines = ''
for line in f:
if line.startswith('diff') or line.startswith('Index'):
yield lines
lines = ''
lines += line
yield lines
def get_filename(piece):
"""Get the filename from a diff piece."""
# The filename is the last space-separated token in the first line of
# the piece. This is a wildly inefficient implementation.
return piece.split('\n')[0].split(' ')[-1]
return ''
def compare_diff_pieces(piece_a, piece_b):
"""Determine whether piece_a should go above or below piece_b, according to
the following rules:
* idl come first, then ipdl files, then other files.
* .h files come before their corresponding .cpp files.
* Files with "/test/" or "/tests/" in their path come after other files.
* Makefiles come last in their directory.
* Otherwise sort in lexicographic order.
a = get_filename(piece_a)
b = get_filename(piece_b)
def bool_comparator(fn):
"""Transform a boolean function into a comparison function over a and
b, such that a < b if fn(a) and not fn(b)."""
val_a = fn(a)
val_b = fn(b)
if val_a and not val_b:
return -1
elif val_b and not val_a:
return 1
return 0
def comparators():
# Think of these bool_comparators as: You get sorted towards the top of
# the patch if you match the lambda.
yield bool_comparator(lambda x: x.endswith('.idl'))
yield bool_comparator(lambda x: x.endswith('.ipdl'))
if a.rsplit('.', 1)[0] == b.rsplit('.', 1)[0]:
yield bool_comparator(lambda x: x.endswith('.h'))
yield bool_comparator(lambda x: not (('/test/' in x) or ('/tests/' in x)))
if a.rsplit('/', 1)[0] == b.rsplit('/', 1)[0]:
yield bool_comparator(lambda x: '' not in x)
yield cmp(a, b)
for res in comparators():
if res != 0:
return res
return 0
def reorder(infile, outfile):
pieces = splitdiff(infile)
# outfile gets the first piece first (it's the patch header), then we sort
# the remaining pieces.
diff_pieces = list(pieces)
if __name__ == '__main__':
infile = sys.stdin
outfile = sys.stdout
reorder(infile, outfile)
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