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Created December 19, 2013 04:07
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Cm.GradingSidebarView = Em.View.extend Cm.Shortcuts,
didInsertElement: ->
@registerShortcuts [
{ keys: ['shift+up', 'k'], action: 'goToPrevExam' }
{ keys: ['shift+down', 'j'], action: 'goToNextExam' }
{ keys: ['shift+left', 'h', '['], action: 'goToPrevQuestion' }
{ keys: ['shift+right', 'l', ']'], action: 'goToNextQuestion' }
{ keys: 'u', action: 'toggleSkipMarked' }
{ keys: 'f', action: 'toggleQuestionFlag' }
{ keys: 'c', action: 'toggleCommentMode' }
{ keys: 'x', action: 'clearPoints' }
], target: 'controller'
willDestroyElement: ->
Cm.CommentTextView = Em.TextArea.extend Cm.Shortcuts,
didInsertElement: ->
@$().focus() 'afterRender', =>
text = @$().val()
@registerShortcuts [
{ keys: 'shift+enter', action: 'save' }
{ keys: 'esc', action: 'cancel' }
], source: @get('element'), ignoreControls: false
willDestroyElement: ->
@unregisterShortcuts(source: @get('element'))
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