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Created April 4, 2018 15:18
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normalize-vector grep results
leus@cygnus:~/ros/indigo_parent/src/euslisp/Euslisp$ find ./ -name "*.l" | xargs grep normalize-vector -A5 -B2
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- (send pole4 :translate #f(15 -15 2))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- (setq r1 (body+ base pole1 pole2 pole3 pole4 top))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l: (setq pln (make-plane :normal (normalize-vector #f(1 2 8))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- :point #f(0 0 8)))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- (setq part1 (body/ r1 pln))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- (send part1 :magnify 10.0))
./lib/demo/hehehe.l- )
./lib/demo/meteor.l-(defun reflection-ray (normal light)
./lib/demo/meteor.l: (normalize-vector
./lib/demo/meteor.l- (v- (scale (* 2.0 (v. normal light)) normal)
./lib/demo/meteor.l- light) ))
./lib/demo/meteor.l-(defun random-direction (dir ratio)
./lib/demo/meteor.l- (v+ dir (random-vector ratio)))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- (send pole4 :translate #f(15 -15 2))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- (setq r1 (body+ base pole1 pole2 pole3 pole4 top))
./lib/demo/kogi.l: (setq pln (make-plane :normal (normalize-vector #f(1 2 8))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- :point #f(0 0 8)))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- (setq part1 (body/ r1 pln))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- (send part1 :magnify 10.0))
./lib/demo/kogi.l- )
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (b))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (setq b (scale arrow-size
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l: (normalize-vector (rotate-vector a 0.5 nil))))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (send vs :g-line point0 (v- point0 (coerce b integer-vector))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- *draw-gc*)
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (setq b (scale arrow-size
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l: (normalize-vector (rotate-vector a -0.5 nil))))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (send vs :g-line point0 (v- point0 (coerce b integer-vector))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- *draw-gc*)))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (when (member :end arrow)
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (let* ((a (coerce (v- point1 point0) float-vector))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (b))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (setq b (scale arrow-size
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l: (normalize-vector (rotate-vector a 0.5 nil))))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (send vs :g-line point1 (v- point1 (coerce b integer-vector))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- *draw-gc*)
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (setq b (scale arrow-size
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l: (normalize-vector (rotate-vector a -0.5 nil))))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (send vs :g-line point1 (v- point1 (coerce b integer-vector))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- *draw-gc*)))
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- )
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (:arrow (&optional x sz)
./lib/llib/eusdraw.l- (when x
./lib/llib/utyo.l- (send self :init
./lib/llib/utyo.l- p2
./lib/llib/utyo.l: (normalize-vector (v* (v- p3 p2)
./lib/llib/utyo.l- (v- p1 p2)))
./lib/llib/utyo.l- ))
./lib/llib/utyo.l- (:new-from-3dline-3dvector (3dl 3dv)
./lib/llib/utyo.l- (let ((p0 (send 3dl :pos)))
./lib/llib/utyo.l- (send self :init
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:init (ss aa) ;aa need not to be normalized
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (send self :newquat
./lib/llib/quaternion.l: ss (scale (sqrt (- 1.0 (* ss ss))) (normalize-vector aa))))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:norm () (sqrt (+ (* s s) (v. a a))))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:conjugate () (instance quaternion :newquat s (v- a)))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:inverse-quaternion ()
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (let ((norm (send self :norm)))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (instance quaternion :newquat (/ s norm) (scale (/ 1.0 norm) (v- a)))))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (scale (* 2.0 s) (v* a r))))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:angle () (* 2.0 (atan (norm a) s)))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l: (:axis () (normalize-vector a))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (:concat (q)
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (declare (quaternion q))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (let ((s2 (quaternion-s q)) (a2 (quaternion-a q)))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (send self :newquat %(s * s2 - v.(a a2))
./lib/llib/quaternion.l- (v+ (v+ (scale s a2) (scale s2 a))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l-(defun find-neary-connect-edge (v edg elist)
./contrib/utyo/glue.l: (let* ((v1 (normalize-vector (v- (edg . pvert) (edg . nvert))))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (result))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (dolist (e elist)
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (cond ((or (equal v (e . pvert))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (equal v (e . nvert)))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (push e result))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (t (return-from angle-of-edges 'not-intersect))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- )
./contrib/utyo/glue.l: (setq ang (vector-angle (normalize-vector (v- p1 int-point))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l: (normalize-vector (v- p2 int-point))))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (setq triang (triangle p1 int-point p2 norm))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (cond
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- ((minusp triang) (setq ang (- (* 2 pi) ang)))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (t nil))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- ang))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (result))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (setq norm
./contrib/utyo/glue.l: (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (v* (v- (edg . pvert) (edg . nvert))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (v- ((car elist) . pvert) ((car elist) . nvert)))))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (if (zerop (vector-length norm))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (setq norm
./contrib/utyo/glue.l: (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (v* (v- (edg . pvert) (edg . nvert))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (v- ((cadr elist) . pvert) ((cadr elist) . nvert)))))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (dolist (e elist)
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (push (list e (angle-of-edges edg e norm)) result)))
./contrib/utyo/glue.l- (setq result (sort result #'cadr-less))
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (let* ((v1 (v- pvert nvert))
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (v2 (v- (ed . pvert) (ed . nvert)))
./contrib/utyo/part.l: (norm (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (v* v1 (v* v1 v2))))
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (pln (instance plane :init norm pvert))
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (int-list (send pln :intersect-edge ed))
./contrib/utyo/part.l- )
./contrib/utyo/part.l- (cond
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l- (let* ((r1 (matrix-row r 0))
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l- (r2 (matrix-row r 1))
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l: (r3 (normalize-vector (v* r1 r2))))
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l: (v* r3 (normalize-vector r1) r2)
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l- (v* r2 r3 r1)
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l- (replace-matrix r (make-matrix-from-rvector r1 r2 r3))))
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l-;;(defun authorized-normalize (r) r)
./contrib/utyo/linraphs.l-(eval-when (load eval)
./contrib/utyo/local.l- (declare (float-vector v))
./contrib/utyo/local.l- (transform rot
./contrib/utyo/local.l: (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/local.l- (float-vector (/ (* (aref v 0) screenx)
./contrib/utyo/local.l- viewdistance)
./contrib/utyo/local.l- (/ (* (aref v 1) screeny)
./contrib/utyo/local.l- viewdistance)
./contrib/utyo/local.l- 1))))
./contrib/utyo/newton.l- (let* ((r1 (matrix-row r 0))
./contrib/utyo/newton.l- (r2 (matrix-row r 1))
./contrib/utyo/newton.l: (r3 (normalize-vector (v* r1 r2))))
./contrib/utyo/newton.l: (v* r3 (normalize-vector r1) r2)
./contrib/utyo/newton.l- (v* r2 r3 r1)
./contrib/utyo/newton.l- (replace-matrix r (make-matrix-from-rvector r1 r2 r3))))
./contrib/utyo/newton.l-;;(defun authorized-normalize (r) r)
./contrib/utyo/newton.l-(eval-when (load eval)
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (let* ((flist (bod . faces))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (con-faces (find-con-faces vert flist))
./contrib/utyo/round.l: (n-vect (normalize-vector vect))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (pln (instance plane :init n-vect (v+ vert (scale depth n-vect))))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (new-edg-verts
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (send pln :intersect-face f))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- con-faces))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (new-verts (flatten new-edg-verts)))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (let* ((vert1)
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (vert2)
./contrib/utyo/round.l: (norm (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (v+ ((edg . pface) . normal) ((edg . nface) . normal))))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (vect (scale (- depth) norm))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (apoint (v+ (edg . pvert) vect))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (pln (instance plane :init norm apoint)))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (setq con-edge1
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (verts)
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (vert)
./contrib/utyo/round.l: (norm (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (v+ ((edg . pface) . normal) ((edg . nface) . normal))))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (vect (scale (- depth) norm))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (apoint (v+ (edg . pvert) vect))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (pln (instance plane :init norm apoint)))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (setq con-edges
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (let* ((con-faces)
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (verts)
./contrib/utyo/round.l: (norm (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (v+ ((edg . pface) . normal) ((edg . nface) . normal))))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (vect (scale depth norm))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (apoint (v+ (edg . pvert) vect))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (pln (instance plane :init norm apoint)))
./contrib/utyo/round.l- (setq con-faces (list (edg . pface) (edg . nface)))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (let* ((v1 (v- pvert nvert))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (v2 (v- (ed . pvert) (ed . nvert)))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l: (norm (normalize-vector
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (v* v1 (v* v1 v2))))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (pln (instance plane :init norm pvert))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (int-list (send pln :intersect-edge ed))
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- )
./contrib/utyo/localop.l- (cond
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- (push (instance edge :init
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- :pvertex position
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l: :nvertex (normalize-vector (scale sign n-point))
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- :pface (first flist) :nface (car (last flist)))
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- eset))
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- (push eset esets))
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- (push flist esets))
./contrib/contact/model2constRobust.l- (setq eset nil)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun direction-vector (org dest)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- "(org dest) returns a normalized vector from org to dest"
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector (v- dest org)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defparameter triangle-temp1 (float-vector 0 0 0))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defparameter triangle-temp2 (float-vector 0 0 0))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun triangle (a b c &optional (normal #f(0 0 1)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun triangle-normal (a b c)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-"normal vector for the plane on which three points (a b c) lie."
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector (v* (v- b a) (v- c a))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l:(defun vector-angle (v1 v2 &optional (normal (normalize-vector (v* v1 v2))) (parallel-thre 1e-10))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-"Compute angle (radian) between two vectors, v1 and v2.
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-Normal is vertical to both v1 and v2.
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-v1, v2 and normal must be normalized in advance.
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-Normal must be given if the sign of the angle is needed."
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if (< (norm2 (v* v1 v2)) parallel-thre)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq v2 (car vertices))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (v+ (v* v1 v2 v) normal normal)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector normal normal)) )
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun farthest (p points)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ;; in a list of vectors bound to points, find the point farthest from p.
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (let* ((vv (pop points)) (dist (distance p vv)) (d 0.0))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (dolist (v points)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun random-normalized-vector ()
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector (float-vector (random 1.0) (random 1.0) (random 1.0))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-#| Kameyama function
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defun random-normalized-vector2()
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (let ((v1 (- (random 2.0) 1.0))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (v2 (random 1.0))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:end-point (v)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if (eq pvert v) v (if (eq nvert v) v nil)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (:direction () (normalize-vector (v- nvert pvert)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:prin1 (strm)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (flet ((string-float-vector (fv)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (let ((s (make-string-output-stream 30)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (princ "#f(" s)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (dotimes (i (length fv))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:next-vertex (f) (send (send f :next-edge self) :nvertex f))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:direction (&optional (f pface)) ;directed edge direction
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (cond ((eq f pface) (normalize-vector (v- nvert pvert)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: ((eq f nface) (normalize-vector (v- pvert nvert)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ((facep f)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (dolist (h (send f :holes))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if (memq self (send h :edges))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (return-from :direction (send self :direction h))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (error "hole for :direction"))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (warn "no such face"))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:binormal (f)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector (v* (cond ((eq f pface) (v- nvert pvert))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ((eq f nface) (v- pvert nvert))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (t (send self :error "bad face")))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (send f :normal))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:angle () angle) ;angle between pface and nface
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:approximated-p () (eq (logand flags 1) 1))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq angle (vector-angle (face-normal pface)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (face-normal nface)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (normalize-vector (v- nvert pvert)))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:set-face (pv nv f)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (cond
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ((and (eq pv pvert) (eq nv nvert)) (setq pface f))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ((and (eq nv pvert) (eq pv nvert)) (setq nface f))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (t (send self :error "inconsistent face setting"))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defmethod edge
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:center-coordinates ()
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (let* ((z (normalize-vector (v- nvert pvert)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (x (if (< (distance z #f(1 0 0)) 0.0001)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- #f(0 1 0) #f(1 0 0)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (y (v* z x)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq x (v* y z))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (instance coordinates :init
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:brightness (light-source)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-; (if (> (norm light-source) 2.0)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l:; (setq light-source (normalize-vector
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-; (v- light-source (car vertices))))) ; point light-source
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (+ 1.0 (/ (v. normal light-source) 2.0))) ;parallel lighting
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:project (&optional (point (float-vector 0 0 0)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (declare (float-vector point))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (v- point (scale (+ distance (v. point normal)) normal)) )
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if (> (abs d) (abs sign2)) (setq sign2 d)))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ; check if both signs are different
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (if (minusp (* sign1 sign2)) (normalize-vector (scale sign1 normal)))))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (:init (n apoint)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- ;defines a plane whose normal is n and passes on apoint
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq normal n)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if (float-vector-p apoint)
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq distance (- (v. normal apoint)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq normal (face-normal-vector point point))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (setq point (car point)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l: (setq normal (normalize-vector normal))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (if distance (setq point (scale (- distance) normal)))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l- (instance plane :init normal point))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defconstant *xy-plane* (make-plane))
./lisp/geo/geopack.l-(defconstant *yz-plane* (make-plane :normal #f(1 0 0)))
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (setf gvector (v- (apply #'v++ (cdr (face-vertices gf)))
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (scale 3 radiant)))
./lisp/geo/gdome.l: (normalize-vector gvector gvector)
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (push gf results)
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (dolist (of ofaces)
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (setf intersect (send of :intersect-point-vector radiant gvector))
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (when (equal (car intersect) ':inside)
./lisp/geo/gdome.l- (setq dist
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (if (null view-direction)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (setq view-direction (v- target pos)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (setq view-direction (normalize-vector view-direction))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (unless view-right
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (setq view-right (v* view-direction view-up)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (setq view-right (normalize-vector view-right))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (setq view-up (normalize-vector (v* view-right view-direction)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (setq view-direction (scale -1.0 view-direction))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (setf (array-entity rot)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (concatenate float-vector view-right view-up view-direction))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (transpose rot rot) )
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (send self :worldcoords)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- "returns direction vector pointing (u,v) in NDC from the viewpoint"
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (declare (float u v))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (normalize-vector
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (send self :rotate-vector
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (float-vector (* screenx u) (* screeny v) (- viewdistance)))))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (:view-plane (&optional (offset 0.0))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l-"+offset makes the viewplane closer to the viewpoint,
./lisp/geo/viewing.l--offset takes further distance."
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (send box :corners))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- ))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (setq v1 (normalize-vector (send box :minpoint))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: v2 (normalize-vector (send box :maxpoint)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (setq ang (acos (v. v1 v2)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (send self :hither
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (* 0.5 (aref (send box :extream-point #f(0 0 -1)) 2)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (send self :yon
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (* 2.0 (aref (send box :extream-point #f(0 0 1)) 2)))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (declare (float-vector v))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (transform (transpose (viewcoords . rot))
./lisp/geo/viewing.l: (normalize-vector
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (float-vector (/ (* (aref v 0) screenx)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- viewdistance)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- (/ (* (aref v 1) screeny)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- viewdistance)
./lisp/geo/viewing.l- 1))))
./lisp/geo/lighting.l- (let ((normal (send f :normal)))
./lisp/geo/lighting.l- ; (setq light (v- light point))
./lisp/geo/lighting.l: (normalize-vector
./lisp/geo/lighting.l- %(v-(scale((2.0 * v.(normal light)) normal) light)))))
./lisp/geo/render.l-(defun reflection-ray (normal light)
./lisp/geo/render.l: (normalize-vector
./lisp/geo/render.l- (v- (scale (* 2.0 (v. normal light)) normal)
./lisp/geo/render.l- light) ))
./lisp/geo/render.l-(defvar *render-shadow* t)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (v- vp point normal-view)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (setq brightness (* 0.1 reflectance)) ;ambient
./lisp/geo/render.l: (normalize-vector normal-view normal-view)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (dolist (light lights)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (when (or (null *render-shadow*)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (send light :illuminated-p point face3))
./lisp/geo/render.l- (v- (send light :worldpos) point lighting)
./lisp/geo/render.l: (normalize-vector lighting normal-lighting)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (setq income (/ (send light :intensity)
./lisp/geo/render.l- (v. lighting lighting)) )
./lisp/geo/render.l- (setq diffusion
./lisp/geo/render.l- (max 0.0 (* (v. normal normal-lighting)
./lisp/geo/render.l- income diffusal-reflectance) ))
./lisp/geo/extroid.l-(defun 2d-random-normalized-vector ()
./lisp/geo/extroid.l: (normalize-vector (float-vector (random 1.0) (random 1.0))))
./lisp/geo/extroid.l-(defun 2d-random-vectors (n r)
./lisp/geo/extroid.l- (if (< n 1)
./lisp/geo/extroid.l- nil
./lisp/geo/extroid.l- (cons (2d-random-vector r) (2d-random-vectors (1- n) r))))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- ((eql axis :y) #f(0 1 0))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- ((eql axis :z) #f(0 0 1))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l: (t (normalize-vector axis))))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (dolist (v model-vertices)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (v+ (scale (* (- scale 1.0) (v. v axis)) axis) v v) )
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- )
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (t (dolist (v model-vertices) (scale scale v v)) ))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (send self :update)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (:closest-point (point)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (v+ (send self :worldpos)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l: (scale radius (normalize-vector (v- point (send self :worldpos))))))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (:intersect-with-body (bod)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (dolist (v (send bod :vertices))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (if (< (distance v pos) radius) (return-from :intersect-with-body t)))
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- nil)
./lisp/geo/geobody.l- (:init (&key (center (float-vector 0 0 0)) ((:radius r) 1.0))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (v)
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (start (farthest o vertices))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l: (vstart (normalize-vector (v- start o)))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (vtemp (floatvector 0 0 0)))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (setq vertices (remove start vertices :count 1))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (print start)
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (dolist (v vertices)
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (v- v o vtemp)
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l: (normalize-vector vtemp vtemp)
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (setq ang (vector-angle vstart vtemp normal))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (if (< ang 0.0) (setq ang (+ ang 2pi)))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (push (list ang v) sorted-vertices))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (setq sorted-vertices (mapcar #'cadr (sort sorted-vertices #'< #'car)))
./lisp/geo/grahamhull.l- (setq result (cons start sorted-vertices ))
./lisp/geo/primt.l-(defun coplanar-p (p1 p2 p3 p4 &optional (*epsilon* *coplanar-threshold*))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (let* ((v1 (v- p2 p1)) (v2 (v- p3 p2)) (v3 (v- p4 p1))
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (n (normalize-vector (v* v1 v2))))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (eps= (v. n v3) 0.0)))
./lisp/geo/primt.l-(progn (defparameter *-inf* (/ -1.0 0.0))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (defparameter *inf* (/ 1.0 0.0)
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (if (= 0.0 (elt vec 2)) (setq angle 0.0)
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq angle
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (vector-angle (normalize-vector vec)
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (normalize-vector fvec)
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (normalize-vector (v* vec fvec))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- )))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (when (< angle minangle)
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq result v minangle angle)))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- )
./lisp/geo/primt.l- result))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq angle
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (vector-angle #f(0 0 1)
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (normalize-vector n)
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (normalize-vector (v* #f(0 0 1) n))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- )))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (if (< angle minangle)
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq result v minangle angle))))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- )
./lisp/geo/primt.l- result))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setf (gethash v oldverts) (list (copy-object v))))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (dolist (e (hedron . edges))
./lisp/geo/primt.l: (setq v (scale radius (normalize-vector (v+ (e . pvert) (e . nvert)))))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setf (gethash e newverts) (cons e (list v))))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (dolist (fac (hedron . faces))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq v (fac . vertices) e (fac . edges))
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (setq vlist1 (list (gethash (car v) oldverts)
./lisp/geo/primt.l- (gethash (cadr v) oldverts)
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