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Last active May 13, 2022 10:45
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# wallet_batchTransactions JSON-RPC method (v1, EOA-compatible)

wallet_batchTransactions JSON-RPC method (v1, EOA-compatible)



wallet_batchTransactions is an RPC method for bundling multiple transactions into a single transaction (a batch).


UX: Instead of requiring the user to sign multiple transactions when performing just one logical action (e.g., approving and swapping tokens), dapps can batch these together.
Operational: Gas savings by cutting signature verification per transaction (21000 EOA, varies for smart wallets), other potential savings can come from subsequent storage reads (WARM_STORAGE_READ_COST=100 vs. COLD_SLOAD_COST=2100), but it depends on the transactions in the batch.



The method takes an array of Transactions that follow the ** EIP-1559Transaction** type definition. The method returns an array of transaction hashes, except that a smart contract wallet would return an array with a single transaction hash corresponding to the batch transaction. EOA would return transaction hashes corresponding to each transaction passed in the array.

wallet_batchTransactions accepts an array of transactions as a first parameter, specified by the following TypeScript type (? after the key means optional property):

type Transaction = {
    to?: string;
    value?: string;
    gas: string;
    maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string;
    maxFeePerGas?: string;
    data: string;
    nonce: number;
    chainId: string;
    accessList: {
        address: string;
        storageKeys: string[];

type TransactionBatch = Array<Transaction>;
  1. Array - an array of transaction objects. Transaction object has the following structure:
  • to - (optional) 20 Bytes The address the transaction is directed to. Undefined for creation transactions.
  • value - (optional) the value sent with this transaction
  • gas - Transaction gas limit
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas - Miner tip aka priority fee.
  • maxFeePerGas - The maximum total fee per gas the sender is willing to pay (includes the network/base fee and miner/priority fee) in wei
  • data - The hash of the invoked method signature and encoded parameters
  • nonce - Integer of a nonce. This allows overwriting your own pending transactions that use the same nonce
  • chainId - Chain ID that this transaction is valid on.
  • accessList - (optional) EIP-2930 access list.

IMPORTANT Smart wallets only take into account to, value and data properties to avoid the complexity of figuring out batch transaction options from multiple transactions.

  1. Object - (optional) Batch Options. Optionally taken into account by SC wallets.
  • gas - (optional) Transaction gas limit
  • maxPriorityFeePerGas - Miner tip aka priority fee.
  • maxFeePerGas - The maximum total fee per gas the sender is willing to pay (includes the network / base fee and miner / priority fee) in wei
  • nonce - Integer of a nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce
  • chainId - Chain ID that this transaction is valid on.
  • accessList - (optional) EIP-2930 access list.

An array of 32 Bytes transaction hashes. Smart contract wallet would return an array with a single transaction hash corresponding to the batch transaction.

Example request

Approve & swap USDC to ETH on 1inch in a batch

            "nonce": "0x0",
            "nonce": "0x1",
            "gas": "0x30D40",
            "nonce": "0x0",

Example response

  • By EOA wallet
   "result": ["0xae1bc5d7be732df6946a453b401e5dc0b581202fe851e720245998f87558924e", "0xc06d41daca84e0fb2051b7437d5041ace096588965116e57d19e23dc5c244afa"]
  • By smart contract wallet with batching capabilities
   "result": ["0x8b6724cd7a9ffbf433900503d4844ad7e97985c68ec65fe870182773bb8b5ee8"]


The purpose of wallet_batchTransactions is to provide dapps a way to request a wallet to bundle multiple transactions for one logical action into a single batch transaction, which they would otherwise ask the user to approve one by one.


This isn't exactly backward compatibility, but it was a goal to make transaction parameters compatible with eth_sendTransaction.


  • The returned value logic is different for EOA/SC wallets (array of transaction hashes for each individual transaction vs. array with a single transaction hash for the batch transaction)


Security considerations depend on the wallet's implementation of the method.


The legacy Gnosis Safe wallet supported transaction batching via a different method, gs_multi_send with slightly different parameters:

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