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mmynsted/sbt.log Secret

Created June 7, 2018 18:00
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Error message from scalafix-sbt-example project when using
12:34 $ sbt scalafix
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/mmynsted/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/mmynsted/projects/scalafix-sbt-example/project
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
[info] Set current project to scalafix-sbt-example (in build file:/Users/mmynsted/projects/scalafix-sbt-example/)
[info] Running scalafix --config /Users/mmynsted/projects/scalafix-sbt-example/.scalafix.conf --classpath /Users/mmynsted/projects/scalafix-sbt-example/myproject/target/scala-2.12/classes --sourceroot /Users/mmynsted/projects/scalafix-sbt-example
error: 7 errors
[E0] {"message": "Java collections have better performance, which is what I assume you were trying to do", "regex": "^\\Qscala.collection.mutable\\E.*$"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E1] {"regex": {"includes": ["^\\Qscala.util.Either.LeftProjection#get().\\E$", "^\\Qscala.util.Either.RightProjection#get().\\E$", "^\\Qscala.util.Try#get().\\E$", "^\\Qscala.Option#get().\\E$", "^\\Qscala.collection.IterableLike#head().\\E$"]}, "message": "not a total function"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E2] {"message": "prefer scalaz.{Equal, Show, Liskov, etc}", "regex": {"includes": ["^\\Qjava.lang.Object\\E.*$", "^\\Qscala.Any\\E.*$", "^.*\\Q#equals(Any).\\E$", "^.*\\Q#hashCode().\\E$", "^.*\\Q#toString().\\E$"]}} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E3] {"regex": "^\\\\E.*$", "message": "URL talks to the network for equality, prefer URI"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E4] {"regex": ["^\\\\E.*$", "^\\\\E.*$"], "message": "legacy blocking API, prefer java.nio"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E5] {"message": "scala arbitrary precision numbers are broken:", "regex": "^\\Qscala.math.Big\\E.*$"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
[E6] {"regex": "^\\Qscala.collection.parallel\\E.*$", "message": "parallel collections are low performance and block the thread, prefer scalaz.ApplyN"} has no field 'symbol'. Did you mean 'regex' instead?
scalafix.cli.Cli$NonZeroExitCode: Got exit code InvalidCommandLineOption=8
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