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Last active February 26, 2024 11:55
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Swift script for generating .strings file based on settings bundle .plist file.
#!/usr/bin/env swift
// This is a script for extracting all localizable strings from the Root.plist (Settings.bundle)
import Foundation
typealias Plist = [String: Any]
var currentGroup: String?
// Parameters
let params = CommandLine.arguments
guard params.count == 3 else {
print("ERROR: Add .plist file name for settings bundle and .strings file name for output strings.")
print("Usage: genstringsforsettingsbundle.swift Root.plist Root.strings.")
// Path to the given Root.plist file
let rootPath = params[1]
let stringsPath = params[2]
// Load content of Root.plist file
guard let plist = getPlist(withPath: rootPath) else {
print("ERROR: File '\(rootPath)' is not a valid setting bundle plist.")
let localizables = extractLocalizables(from: plist)
// Generate text for all our localizables
var finalText = ""
for loc in localizables {
// Comment first
finalText.append("/* \(loc.comment) */\n")
// Key = Content
finalText.append("\"\(loc.key)\" = \"\(loc.content)\";\n\n")
// Save the content to .strings file
let stringsUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: stringsPath)
do {
try finalText.write(to: stringsUrl, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
} catch {
print("Error writing: \(error.localizedDescription)")
print("\(localizables.count) localizable strings saved to \(stringsUrl.path)")
// Helpers
struct StringEntry {
let key: String
let content: String
let comment: String
// Load and deserialize Root.plist file
func getPlist(withPath path: String) -> Plist? {
if let xml = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path) {
let plistData = try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: xml, options: [], format: nil)
return plistData as? Plist
return nil
// Extract localizable content
func extractLocalizables(from plistNode: Plist) -> [StringEntry] {
var allLocalizables = [StringEntry]()
// Is it a root level?
if let root = plistNode["StringsTable"] as? String, root == "Root", let title = plistNode.title {
allLocalizables.append(StringEntry(key: "StringsTableRoot", content: title, comment: "Title for the Root.plist root level. Usually the app name."))
// Process array of PreferenceSpecifiers
guard let prefs = plistNode["PreferenceSpecifiers"] as? [Plist] else { return allLocalizables }
for pref in prefs {
// All entries must have a type
guard let type = pref.type else { continue }
if type == "PSGroupSpecifier", let title = pref.title {
// Group entry will be treated in a special way
currentGroup = title
let key = "'\(title)' group"
let comment = "Group title for \(key)"
allLocalizables.append(StringEntry(key: key, content: title, comment: comment))
// There can be FooterText for the group
if let footer = pref.footerText {
let footerKey = "'\(title)' group footer"
let comment = "Group footer for \(key)"
allLocalizables.append(StringEntry(key: footerKey, content: footer, comment: comment))
} else {
// Other entries than group always have at least key and title
guard let key = pref.key, let title = pref.title else { continue }
// swiftlint:disable:next force_unwrapping
let comment = (currentGroup == nil) ? "Top level main settings group - '\(key)'" : "'\(currentGroup!)' group - '\(key)', title for type \(type)"
allLocalizables.append(StringEntry(key: key, content: title, comment: comment))
// If there are other Titles
if let titles = pref.titles {
for (index, subtitle) in titles.enumerated() {
let subkey = "\(key) sub-element no \(index + 1)"
let subcomment = comment + " sub-element '\(subtitle)'"
allLocalizables.append(StringEntry(key: subkey, content: subtitle, comment: subcomment))
return allLocalizables
extension Plist {
var key: String? {
return self["Key"] as? String
var type: String? {
return self["Type"] as? String
var title: String? {
return self["Title"] as? String
var titles: [String]? {
return self["Titles"] as? [String]
var footerText: String? {
return self["FooterText"] as? String
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The new version handles keys properly and generates proper comments based on structure (including groups).

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