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Created February 13, 2014 09:04
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Erstellt ein Inhaltsverzeichnis für alle Ebenen mit römischer
Kapitelnummerierung und die restlichen Ebenen mit normaler Nummerierung.
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<!-- Titel -->
<xsl:variable name="tocTitle">Inhaltsverzeichnis</xsl:variable>
<!-- "Unsichtbare" Marker-Zeichenketten für spezielle Verzeichnisse -->
<xsl:variable name="tableOfFiguresMarker">&#8204;&#8204;&#8204;</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="tableOfTablesMarker">&#8204;&#8204;</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="tableOfLiteratureMarker">&#8204;</xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="zwnj">&#8204;</xsl:variable>
<xsl:template match="outline:outline">
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/* Erste Ebene */
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/* Standard für alle */
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/* Zweite Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li {
margin-left: 0em;
margin-top: 0em;
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margin-left: -1.4em;
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/* Dritte Ebene */
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float: left;
/* Fünfte Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li {
margin-left: 2.3em;
margin-top: 0em;
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li:before {
margin-left: -3.6em;
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/* Sechste Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li {
margin-left: 3.0em;
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ol>li>ol>li>ol {
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ol>li>ol>li>ol>li:before {
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/* Vierte Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol {
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list-style-type: none;
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li:before {
counter-increment: li4;
content: counter(li2)"."counter(li3)"."counter(li4);
/* Fünfte Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol {
counter-reset: li5;
list-style-type: none;
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li:before {
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/* Sechste Ebene */
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol {
counter-reset: li6;
list-style-type: none;
ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li>ol>li:before {
counter-increment: li6;
content: counter(li2)"."counter(li3)"."counter(li4)"."counter(li5)"."counter(li6);
Spezielle Nummerierungen für Verzeichnisse
li.to_figures, li.to_tables, li.to_literature {
counter-increment: tableOf;
li.to_figures:before, li.to_tables:before, li.to_literature:before {
content: counter(tableOf, upper-alpha);
li ol {
margin-top: -1em;
li {
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<p class="tocHeader"><xsl:value-of select="$tocTitle"/></p>
<ol class="toc"><xsl:apply-templates select="outline:item/outline:item"/></ol>
<xsl:template match="outline:item">
<xsl:when test="contains(@title, $tableOfFiguresMarker)">
<xsl:attribute name="class">to_figures</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:when test="contains(@title, $tableOfTablesMarker)">
<xsl:attribute name="class">to_tables</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:when test="contains(@title, $tableOfLiteratureMarker)">
<xsl:attribute name="class">to_literature</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:if test="@title!=''">
<!-- Überschrifteneintrag -->
<span class="section">
<xsl:element name="a">
<xsl:attribute name="class">tocLink</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:if test="@link">
<xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="@link"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:if test="@backLink">
<xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@backLink"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:value-of select="translate(@title, $zwnj, '')" />
<!-- Seitennummer -->
<span class="pageNr"><xsl:value-of select="@page" /></span>
<!-- Punkte -->
<div class="dots"></div>
<xsl:if test="count(child::*[1]) > 0">
<ol class="leaders">
<xsl:apply-templates select="outline:item"/>
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