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Created June 12, 2018 17:36
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CBM BASIC program that reads a real disk and creates a D80 image. Alternate version that handles bad sectors and writes the error map at the end of the image file.
;d80 read 2 ==0801==
5 input"source unit";su
6 input"destination unit";du
7 input"image filename";f$
8 if right$(f$,4)=".d80" then f$=left$(f$, len(f$)-4)
9 fi$=f$+".d80":fe$=f$+".txt"
10 bl$="":rem bad sector list
30 open2,du,2,fi$+",p,w"
35 open15,su,15
40 open3,su,3,"#"
45 lt=77
50 for t=1 to lt
60 if t>=1 and t<=39 then ls=28
70 if t>=40 and t<=53 then ls=26
80 if t>=54 and t<=64 then ls=24
90 if t>=65 and t<=77 then ls=22
98 bs=0:rem this sector bad flag
99 pb=0:rem prev sector bad flag
100 for s=00 to ls:print"{down}t";t;"s";s
110 gosub 1300:rem try to read sector
115 pb=bs
130 if bs=0 then gosub 1100
135 if bs=1 then gosub 1200
200 next s : next t
205 print "{down}";fi$;" written to unit";du
210 close2:close3:print#15,"i0":close15
215 gosub 1500
220 end
1000 rem check error
1001 ok=1
1005 input#15,en$,em$,et$,es$
1010 print" "o$" "en$" "em$" "et$" "es$
1020 if en$<>"00" then ok=0
1025 return
1100 rem copy sector bytes
1105 for by=0 to 255
1110 get #3, b$
1120 if b$="" then b$=chr$(0)
1125 print#2,b$;
1130 next by
1135 return
1200 rem dummy bytes for bad sector
1210 forby=0to255:print#2,chr$(0);:nextby
1220 return
1300 rem read sector with retry
1301 if pb=0 then i=1
1302 if pb=1 then i=3:rem no retries if previous sector bad
1303 bs=0
1305 o$="u1":print#15,o$;3;0;t;s
1310 gosub1000
1315 if ok=1 then return
1317 i=i+1
1320 if i > 3 then bs=1:bl$=bl$+"t"+str$(t)+", s"+str$(s)+chr$(13):return
1321 print "retry ";i
1330 goto 1305
1500 rem write bad sector list
1505 if bl$="" then print"{down}no bad sectors":return
1515 open2,du,2,fe$+",s,w"
1520 print#2,fi$+" bad sectors"+chr$(13)
1525 print#2,bl$:print"{down}bad sectors:";chr$(13);bl$
1530 close2
1540 return
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