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Created December 3, 2012 08:53
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Test for Doctrine Issue DDC-1734
namespace Doctrine\Tests\Models\DDC1734;
* @Entity
class DDC1734Article
* @Id @Column(type="integer")
* @GeneratedValue
protected $id;
* @Column(type="string")
protected $name;
public function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional\Ticket;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\DDC1734\DDC1734Article;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../TestInit.php';
class DDC1734Test extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
protected function setUp()
* This test is DDC-1734 minus the serialization, i.e. it works
* @group DDC-1734
public function testMergeWorksOnNonSerializedProxies()
$article = new DDC1734Article("Foo");
// Get a proxy of the entity
$proxy = $this->getProxy($article);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy', $proxy);
// Detach
// Merge
$proxy = $this->_em->merge($proxy);
$this->assertEquals("Foo", $proxy->getName(), "The entity is broken");
* This test reproduces DDC-1734 which is:
* - A non-initialized proxy is detached and serialized (the identifier of the proxy is *not* serialized)
* - the object is deserialized and merged (to turn into an entity)
* - the entity is broken because it has no identifier and no field defined
* @group DDC-1734
public function testMergeWorksOnSerializedProxies()
$article = new DDC1734Article("Foo");
// Get a proxy of the entity
$proxy = $this->getProxy($article);
$this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy', $proxy);
// Detach and serialize
$serializedProxy = serialize($proxy);
// Unserialize and merge
/** @var $unserializedProxy DDC1734Article */
$unserializedProxy = unserialize($serializedProxy);
// Merge
$unserializedProxy = $this->_em->merge($unserializedProxy);
$this->assertEquals("Foo", $unserializedProxy->getName(), "The entity is broken");
private function getProxy($object)
$metadataFactory = $this->_em->getMetadataFactory();
$identifier = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(get_class($object))->getIdentifierValues($object);
$proxyFactory = $this->_em->getProxyFactory();
return $proxyFactory->getProxy(get_class($object), $identifier);
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