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Created September 8, 2019 04:11
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Save mnathani/0ceb1f8fbe8cc2fe7d07f9e9bd6fb2d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. tunnel working on Vultr Ubuntu up/down routes not working
root@vultryyz:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
# ifupdown has been replaced by netplan(5) on this system. See
# /etc/netplan for current configuration.
# To re-enable ifupdown on this system, you can run:
# sudo apt install ifupdown
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto ens3
iface ens3 inet dhcp
iface ens3 inet6 static
address 2001:19fo:b001:fb5:5400:02ff:fe0a:1ee8
netmask 64
#post-up /sbin/ip -6 route del default dev ens3
post-up /sbin/ip -6 route del ::/0 default dev ens3
post-up /sbin/ip -6 route add 2001:19f0:ffff::1/128 via fe80::fc00:2ff:fe0a:1ee8 dev ens3
pre-down /sbin/ip -6 route del 2001:19f0:ffff::1/128 via fe80::fc00:2ff:fe0a:1ee8 dev ens3
auto he-ipv6
iface he-ipv6 inet6 v4tunnel
address 2001:470:1c:1da::2
netmask 64
ttl 255
gateway 2001:470:1c:1da::1
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