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Created August 13, 2014 21:32
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package soundex
import scala.util.Random
object SoundexHack extends App {
val dictWords = Source.fromFile(new File("/usr/share/dict/words")).getLines.toList
val dict = dictWords.groupBy(x => soundex(x))
val queen = Source.fromInputStream(SoundexHack.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/queen.txt"))
queen.foreach(line => {
val newline = if (line.isEmpty()) ""
else stripChars(line).split(' ').map(word => {
if (word.length < 4) word
else getDictWord(word)
}).mkString(" ")
def getDictWord(word: String) : String = {
val possibles = dict.getOrElse(soundex(word),List(word))
def soundex(word: String): String = {
val vowels = List('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')
val crazyshit = stripChars(word).toCharArray().toList.filter(x => !(Set('h', 'w')).contains(x))
.map(f => encode(f))
val lesscrazy = if (crazyshit == List()) List(0,0,0)
else removeDup(crazyshit).tail.filter(c => c != 99) ::: List(0,0,0)
word.head + lesscrazy.take(3).mkString("")
def removeDup(chars : List[_]) : List[_] = {
chars match {
case x::Nil => List(x)
case x::b::t if (x== b) => removeDup(x::t)
case x::t => x :: removeDup(t)
def encode(f: Character): Int = {
val ones = Set('b', 'f', 'p', 'v')
val twos = Set('c', 'g', 'j', 'k', 'q', 's', 'x', 'z')
val threes = Set('d', 't')
val fours = Set('l')
val fives = Set('m', 'n')
val sixes = Set('r')
val spares = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')
if (ones.contains(f)) 1
else if (twos.contains(f)) 2
else if (threes.contains(f)) 3
else if (fours.contains(f)) 4
else if (fives.contains(f)) 5
else if (sixes.contains(f)) 6
else 99
def stripChars(s: String ) : String = {
s.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z \n]", "")
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