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There are 18 questions in total. You will need five RHEL 8 (or CentOS 😎 virtual machines to be able to successfully complete all questions.

Optional Automatic Exam Setup Available

Here is an automated exam environment deployment for Mac/Linux/Windows that deploys the practice exam environment for you, including IPA server/client installation and configuration. You can also use your own lab environment. Navigate to the respective repo you wish to use for this practice exam and follow the README instructions:,,

version: 2
image: wallabag/wallabag
mndambuki /
Created April 7, 2021 05:16 — forked from rafaeltuelho/
My Ansible commands cheetsheet
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: pod-debug
app: debug
deploymentconfig: debug
restartPolicy: Always
serviceAccountName: default

My Openshift Cheatsheet

Openshift build secrets for cloning git repos using SSH Keys

  • To create ssh secret:
oc create secret generic sshsecret \
mndambuki / main.yml
Created March 21, 2021 11:14 — forked from fulv/main.yml
Ansible - Creating users and copying ssh keypair files to the remote server
Put this in your `local-configure.yml` file, add as many users as you need:
- name: fulvio
sudoer: yes
auth_key: ssh-rsa blahblahblahsomekey this is actually the public key in cleartext
- name: plone_buildout
group: plone_group
sudoer: no
auth_key: ssh-rsa blahblahblah ansible-generated on default
mndambuki / CNTLM Proxy - Centos
Created February 22, 2021 01:59 — forked from lpf23/CNTLM Proxy - Centos
Configure CNTLM Proxy on Centos/Ubuntu
1) Download cntlm rpm package from
2) Login as root
3) Run command:
$ rpm -ivh cntlm-*.rpm
4a) Obtain password hash for the configuration file in step 4b (do not put plaintext password in configuration)
$ cntlm -H -d <domain> -u <username>
mndambuki /
Created January 16, 2021 08:33 — forked from tmckayus/
Running 'crc' on a remote server

Overview: running crc on a remote server

This document shows how to deploy an OpenShift instance on a server using CodeReady Containers (crc) that can be accessed remotely from one or more client machines (sometimes called a "headless" instance). This provides a low-cost test and development platform that can be shared by developers. Deploying this way also allows a user to create an instance that uses more cpu and memory resources than may be available on his or her laptop.

While there are benefits to this type of deployment, please note that the primary use case for crc is to deploy a local OpenShift instance on a workstation or laptop and access it directly from the same machine. The headless setup is configured completely outside of crc itself, and supporting a headless setup is beyond the mission of the crc development team. Please do not ask for changes to crc to support this type of deployment, it will only cost the team time as they politely decline :)

The instructions here were tested with F

mndambuki / gist:b8125fc8ee01529305bbaa73c43998ee
Created December 4, 2020 17:13
HTACCESS, htaccess, rewrite rules, php, codeigniter: HTACCESS rewrite rules
# ============================================================================== START HTACCESS VARIATIONS
#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes
#DirectoryIndex index.php
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond $1 !^(index.php|robots.txt|file|favicon.ico)
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]
mndambuki / officeActivator.bat
Created June 7, 2020 03:41
Activate Microsoft Office 2019
@echo off
title Activate Microsoft Office 2019 !
echo ============================================================================
echo #Project: Activating Microsoft software products
echo ============================================================================
echo #Supported products:
echo - Microsoft Office Standard 2019
echo - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019