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Created July 10, 2015 20:49
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Roman numerals in Prolog
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
dcg(Arabic) -->
{ Arabic in 1..3999 },
roman(Total) -->
{ Rest #>= 0 },
{ Total #= Value + Rest },
roman(0) --> "".
digit(1000) --> "M".
digit(900) --> "CM".
digit(500) --> "D".
digit(400) --> "CD".
digit(100) --> "C".
digit(90) --> "XC".
digit(50) --> "L".
digit(40) --> "XL".
digit(10) --> "X".
digit(9) --> "IX".
digit(5) --> "V".
digit(4) --> "IV".
digit(1) --> "I".
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triska commented Jul 19, 2015

Thank you for sharing! Example with the most general query:

?- phrase(dcg(N), Rs).
N = 3999,
Rs = [77, 77, 77, 67, 77, 88, 67, 73, 88].

suggesting that this is the only solution, which it of course isn't. For logically sound behaviour, you can throw an instantiation error if the arguments are not sufficiently instantiated. Regarding naming, consider using arabic_roman//1 instead of dcg//1. Very nice idea, thank you again!

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