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Created November 7, 2020 05:16
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Simple currying in Lua, partial application
-- Simple currying module
-- With a bit of extra complexity, so that
-- currying several times gives only one
-- level of function indirection for up to
-- five parameters.
-- weak table to store a reference to the curried
-- function, with the parameters and original function
local _curried = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
local currier = {
false, -- this won't happen
function(fn, a, b) -- [2]
return function(...)
return fn(a, b, ...)
function(fn, a, b, c) -- [3]
return function(...)
return fn(a, b, c, ...)
function(fn, a, b, c, d) -- [4]
return function(...)
return fn(a, b, c, d, ...)
function(fn, a, b, c, d, e) -- [5]
return function(...)
return fn(a, b, c, d, e, ...)
-- this can of course be extended if one feels
-- it's worthwhile...
local function curry(fn, param)
assert(type(fn) == 'function' or
type(fn) == 'table' and getmetatable(fn).__call,
'#1 of curry must be a function or callable table')
local curried;
local pre = _curried[fn]
if not pre then
-- curry the function and store it
-- in the private attribute table
curried = function(...) return fn(param, ...) end
_curried[curried] = { param, n = 1 , fn = fn }
if pre.n <= 4 then
-- make a copy so our curried-once function
-- isn't mutated
local post = {}
for i = 1, pre.n do
post[i] = pre[i]
post.n = pre.n + 1
post.fn = pre.fn
post[post.n] = param
curried = currier[post.n](post.fn, unpack(post, 1, post.n))
_curried[curried] = post
-- just wrap for more than 5 parameters
curried = function(...) return fn(param, ...) end
return curried
local function partial(fn, ...)
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
fn = curry(fn, select(i, ...))
return fn
return { curry = curry, partial = partial }
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mnemnion commented Feb 17, 2021

Currying is easy!

subfubar = curry(string.sub, "foobar")
subfubar(1,3) -- returns "foo"
subfubar(4) -- returns "bar"

An example of a practical use, is binding a database connection as the first parameter of a function which transacts some data. This makes it easier to reason about what code can interact with the database, since we're not as promiscuous about sharing copies of the conn: a User object can make changes using updateUser, but can't touch, say, the product table.

We use this in production, where there are in fact tests covering the edges. But these would be inconvenient to publish at this time.

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Thanks for explanation!

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