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Created February 14, 2012 18:20
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Mybatis Scala sample 2
* Copyright 2011 The myBatis Team
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mybatis.scala.samples
import org.mybatis.scala.mapping._
import org.mybatis.scala.config._
import org.mybatis.scala.session._
// Model beans =================================================================
// Simple Group POJO
class Group {
var id : Int = _
var name : String = _
// Simple ContactInfo POJO
class ContactInfo {
var id : Int = _
var address : String = _
var phone : String = _
// Simple Person POJO with OneToMany to ContactInfo
class Person {
var id : Int = _
var firstName : String = _
var lastName : String = _
var group : Group = _
var contact : Seq[ContactInfo] = _
// Data access layer ===========================================================
object Persistence {
// Simple select function (Nothing) => List[Person]
val findAll = new SelectList[Nothing,Person] {
// Define the result mapping
resultMap = new ResultMap[Person] {
id(property="id", column="id_")
result(property="firstName", column="first_name_")
result(property="lastName", column="last_name_")
association[Group] (property="group",
resultMap= new ResultMap[Group] {
id(property="id", column="group_id_")
result(property="name", column="group_name_")
collection[ContactInfo] (property="contact",
resultMap= new ResultMap[ContactInfo] {
id(property="id", column="cinfo_id_")
result(property="address", column="street_address_")
result(property="phone", column="phone_number_")
// Define the actual query
def xsql =
p.id_, p.first_name_, p.last_name_,
p.group_id_, g.name_ as group_name_,
c.id_ as cinfo_id_, c.street_address_, c.phone_number_
person p
LEFT OUTER JOIN people_group g ON p.group_id_ = g.id_
LEFT OUTER JOIN contact_info c ON c.owner_id_ = p.id_
// Load datasource configuration from an external file
val config = Configuration("mybatis.xml")
// Add the data access function to the default namespace
config += findAll
// Build the session manager
lazy val context = config.createPersistenceContext
// Application code ============================================================
object SelectWithResultMapSample {
// Do the Magic ...
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
Persistence.context.readOnly { implicit session =>
for (p <- Persistence.findAll()) {
println("\nPerson(%d): %s %s is in group: %s".format(, p.firstName, p.lastName,
for (contact <- {
println(" Address: %s, Phone: %s".format(contact.address,
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